Rhetorical Analysis Final

  Sam Murphy


ENG 160


         The Water organization has been around for a little over a decade and has done its part to give  over thirty million people the  access to  drink clean water. For more  than twenty-five years,  Gary White and Matt Damon have made it their mission to bring safe water and sanitation to the world. They have helped families across the globe with the ability to have a clean source of water. Through their hard work and success, they have received numerous donations and sponsorships that go straight back towards the organization. This is known as water credit. Through the use of water credit families can borrow a loan on a clean source of water that can be used throughout the entire year. Once these families have paid off their water credit, the cycle is restarted with new families in need. The organization works in a very unified manner in every society. The Water organization wouldn’t be where it is today without all their donations from good people and investments from sponsors. The more exposure  and popularity the company receives across the world, the more people will want to donate and other businesses will wanna invest. For people to want to donate, they have to trust your organization. They can’t be worried about fraud and losing their money. The company  has to be portrayed and viewed as authentic as possible, so people will know it’s reliable. An organization’s number one priority should be to be viewed in a way that attracts many people to wanna  donate. The only way people will donate or sponsor Water is if it is appealing to the nakeed eye.Which is where social media comes in. If you look at a lot of Water.org social media posts, you’ll notice the authenticity and reliability of each post to show the credibility of their work. Each post demonstrates that Water is doing their job and helping those in need.. Water’s newest social media creator has been able to exemplify this through the use of Instagram and Twitter.

         The first post provided by Water’s social media creator is a comparison photo. One photo is a woman satisfyingly drinking water out of a glass in what appears to be her home. The next photo portrays a woman and man pumping water out of the ground through a machine on an extremely hot day. There is some serious realism in not only this post, but the caption. The caption reads , “What do you have to do for a sip of water?”And this could really speak to the audience through the rhetorical device of pathos. That caption and post try to make the audience feel some type of guilt and/or sadness towards the woman and man who have to do all that hard work and labor just for a cup of water. It also tries to  make the audience more appreciative of what they have and how easy it is for them to get  a cup of water. Just like the woman in the other photo who just happily poured herself a cup of water from a clean sanitation. Some  of the people observing this post on social media will be like the woman in the other photo, and have an easy source of water.  Hopefully, this post appealed to the audience in a way that made them reflect on themselves, to be thankful for what they have, and help out those who don’t.

     The second post was a good example of the rhetorical device ethos. It was a picture of some children laughing and happily drinking water from clean sanitation. The kids seem  to be enjoying the water and it looks like it’s from a clean reliable source. This water source appears to be provided by the Water organization and the captions provide proof that it is a product from the company. These kids look like this is the happiest day of their lives and they can finally sleep at night peacefully knowing they have a clean source of water. They appear to be thankful that they finally have a reliable source of water. This post provides credibility by showing the organization is doing its job. The post is providing evidence that Water does help those in need,  and can make people’s lives like these kids much more clean and safe. It’s providing evidence that if society were to help out and donate, this could be a potential outcome. This tries to make people view the Water organization as a legitimate authentic company and wanna donate to help out the next kid or family in need. People seeing that Water.org is providing kids with a reliable source of water, may make them wanna help out and donate.

     Finally, the last post by the social media creator was a picture of water in a three-dimensional sphere shape. It was being held in a man’s hands with the caption reading, “the water crisis is in our hands.” This one cuts deep. Most people in society today are aware of the ongoing water crisis problem. Not to mention with the spread of Covid-19, the water crisis  problem has only become that much more difficult to overcome.  That’s why this social media creator is attempting to advertise the company so that everyone knows about this issue. Especially with this post in particular. The post is trying to  directly calling out the people. The water crisis is literally in our hands. Basically saying the problem of water is up to us to fix, and it will never get better if we all don’t do our part. This post could be very appealing to the audience. Through the rhetorical device of pathos, the social media creator is trying to make the  audience  feel obligated to donate after viewing this post. It could potentially really speak to them and make them wanna promote change. They could feel like the problem is really in their hands and they will not only donate, but publicize the organization to those who don’t know about it. That’s the job for the social media creator, to make their posts so appealing to the audience that feel like they have to donate.

    In order for Water to get donations and sponsorships across the globe, their organization has to be appealing to the nakeed eye. No one will donate to an organization that looks dull and unreliable. If people are going to donate, they have to trust what they’re putting their  money into. People aren’t always gonna wanna help out and do their part. That’s why it’s the social media creator’s job to make their posts appealing to the audience. Not only so they wanna donate, but so they see that there are people out there who need our help.

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