
* Psychology of Memory & Thinking (PSY310)
* Psychological Research Methods (PSY311)
* Psychology of Language (PSY402)
* Physiological Psychology (PSY436)
* Seminar in Psychology (PSY498)

  • The Neuropsychology of Self
  • The Unconscious Mind
  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Doing what comes naturally? Deconstructing the concept of instinct
  • Sex/gender difference research: A critical evaluation (Spring 2020)

* Cognitive Processes (graduate course, PSY560)
* Cognitive Neuroscience (graduate course, PSY570)


Links and resources for students

* Associations of students on campus
o Psi Chi, New Paltz Chapter

* Brain links
o The Whole Brain Atlas
o Neuroanatomy collection (University of Chicago)
o Interactive Brain Atlas
o Neuroscience for Kids
o The Brain from Top to Bottom (McGill University)