Memo Picture Date: Tuesday, September 15, 2020
To: Professor Rigolino
From: Garrett Lee GL                                                                            Subject: Outline and Clarification of The Persuasive Business Letter

The ethical dilemma that I have chosen to write about is the change in air pollution since the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. This topic is part of environmental protection due to how individuals have been unable to impact the environment, because of the quarantine that was mandated by the United States. Essentially, all factories and businesses were closed during the pandemic, except for essential medical facilities. This means the emission of particles in the air decreased massively over an interval of time, therefore affecting the amount of pollution in the air. However, this article conveys that pollution is actually was associated with 8% increase in COVID-19 deaths. Also, this article explains that there is a high correlation between the atmospheric pollution and the high lethality of COVID-19. Therefore, pollution is a huge problem in the pandemic world we all live in today.

My position:
• The amount of pollution in the United States needs to decrease, so the threat of COVID-19 can lessen.

To whom my letter is for:
• My letter will be addressed to Andrew R. Wheeler, head of the Environmental Protection Agency.
• I chose this individual because he oversees enforcing all the United State’s environmental acts.
• Wheeler started his career back when George H.W. Bush was president, and he worked for the pollution and toxic prevention division in the Environment Protection Agency. Therefore, it is evident that Wheeler has a lot of experience in enforcing environmental protection, as he devoted his career to protecting the environment since 1997.

Potential obstacles:
• There might be difficulty finding a lot of reasons to persuade the Andrew R. Wheeler to implement an extended quarantine as an environmental protection act.
• Finding an abundant number of sources from the Sojourner Truth Library may be difficult, because COVID-19 is such a recent event.
• Additionally, writing 1750 words trying to convince Andrew R. Wheeler will be challenging, because I am only discussing one time of pollution.


Next Steps:
• Outline my sources for my persuasive business letter
• Outline my paragraphs for the persuasive business letter
• Create a work cited page

In conclusion, I would like more guidance on the aspect of finding sources from the Sojourner Truth Library. Does this mean we will be able to access scholarly articles through the library, which will count a library source? In addition, can you elaborate on the word count minimum? I am confused as to what sections of the paper will count toward the word count. Thank you for listening and please respond to my concerns by Friday, September 18th.

Garrett Lee GL