
Unit 1: Women in Society

Week 1

Jan. 21

“Gender Roles in the 19th Century”


Play “The Victorian Period” Online Game


Week 2

Jan. 25

Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice — v. 1, chapters 1-13

p. 43-100 

Jan. 28

No Class — Online Assignment #1 Due

Pride and Prejudice — v. 1, chapters 14-23

p. 101-160 

Appendix B: From the Conduct Books, James Fordyce’s Sermons to Young Women

p. 394-402

Online Assignment #1: Introductions and Sermons   

Due by 9am 

In a 300-word blog post, introduce yourself (name, major, favorite author) and explain how Pride and Prejudice responds to ideas in James Fordyce’s Sermons for Young Women. Does it agree? Disagree? Quote and analyze from both texts to back up your argument. Comment on 1 other blog post.

Week 3

Feb. 1

Pride and Prejudice — v. 2, chapters 1-19

p. 163-255

Appendix D: Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

p. 419-429

Feb 4.

Pride and Prejudice — v. 3, chapters 1-8

p. 259-320

Week 4

Feb. 8

Pride and Prejudice — v. 3, chapters 9-10

p. 320-385

Feb. 11

L.E.L.: “The Marriage Vow”


Mary Elizabeth Coleridge: “Marriage”


Amy Levy: “Ballad of Religion and Marriage” 


From Frances Power Cobbe, “Criminals, Idiots, Women, and Minors,” Fraser’s Magazine, December 1868 


Week 5

Feb. 15

No reading.

Online Assignment #2: Researching Victorian London

Due by 9am

Explore Lee Jackson’s “The Victorian Dictionary” (link), choose one entry from the “Women” or the “Sex” categories, and write a blog post on what you learned about the Victorian era. Be specific and include a few quotations.

Feb. 18

Charlotte Brontë: Jane Eyre — v. 1, chapters 1-9

p. 63-148

Appendix D: Sarah Stickney Ellis, The Daughters of England

p. 600-606

Week 6

Feb. 22

Jane Eyre — v. 1, chapters 10-15

p. 149-225

Appendix C: “Hints on the Modern Governess System”

p. 567-577

Online Assignment #3: Victorian Governesses

Due by 9am

Write a 300 word blog post that addresses the following questions:

According to the article from the appendix, what did Victorians think of governesses? Why were they complex figures? How do gender and class relate to their role in society?  How does Brontë portray governesses?  Does she agree with society’s opinions on them? Why or why not? Quote from essay and novel to back up your point.

Feb. 25

No Class Jane Eyre — v. 2, chapters 16-22

p. 229-331

Online Assignment #4: Governess Comments

Due by 9am

Choose two of your classmates’ blog posts on governesses in Brontë’s novel. Write a 2-3 sentence comment for each that goes beyond merely agreeing with the blog post.

Week 7

Feb. 29

Jane Eyre — v. 2, chapter 23 through v.3, chapter 28

p. 332-431

Mar. 3

Jane Eyre — v. 3, chapters 29-38

p. 432-556

Week 8

Mar. 7

Thomas Hood: “Bridge of Sighs”


Amy Levy: “Magdalen”


Flora Tristan: from London Journal


Online Assignment #5: Prostitution in Victorian London

Due by 9am

Write a 300-word blog post that addresses the following questions:

How does Flora Tristan describe prostitution in the Victorian period? How does one of the poems listed above portray prostitution? Does it seem similar to Tristan’s account? Does it blame the women? The men? Does the poem have a sympathetic attitude towards the sex worker in the poem? Why or why not?

Mar. 10

Christina Rossetti: “In an Artist’s Studio”


Robert Browning: “Porphyria’s Lover”


Constance Naden: “The Two Artists,” “Love’s Mirror”


Unit 2: Victorian Queer Studies

Week 9

Mar. 14

Elizabeth Barrett Browning: “To George Sand: A Desire”


Barrett Browning: “To George Sand: A Recognition”


Mar. 17

No Class — Take-Home Midterm Due

Week 10: Spring Break

Week 11

Mar. 28

Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1890 Edition — Chapters 1-4

Complete Hybrid Survey:


Mar. 31

Dorian Gray, 1890 Edition — Chapters 5-9


Online Make-up Assignment:

Choose a passage from chapters 5-9 of Dorian Gray that relates to ideas expressed on the Sexology handout that I distributed in class. Write a 150-300 word blog post analyzing the connections between them.

Due April 3rd, at 5pm. 

Week 12

Apr. 4

Dorian Gray, 1890 Edition — Chapters 10-13


Apr. 7

Library Day (in STL 18)

Week 13

Apr. 11

No class — Individual Conferences

Paper Proposal due during individual conference

Apr. 14

Lord Alfred Douglas: “Two Loves”


Douglas: “In Praise of Shame”


John Gambril Nicolson: “I Love Him Wisely”


Annotated Bibliography due at beginning of class

Week 14

Apr. 18

Anne Lister: Diary Excerpts


Amy Levy: “To Lallie”


Amy Levy: “New Love, New Life”


Michael Field: “Unbosoming”


Apr. 21

No class — Individual Conferences

Bring thesis (required) and outline (optional) for paper to meeting

Sign up for Assignment #6

Due by Noon

Sign up to add a work of queer literature to the Victorian Queer Archive via Google doc by noon. See assignment sheet for more information.

Week 15

Apr. 25

Julie Meloni: “A Brief Introduction to Omeka”


Victorian Queer Archive


Online Assignment #6: Victorian Queer Archive

Bring to class

Bring the transcript of the work of queer literature you signed up for and page images of the original printing to class.  We will add the works to the archive during class. 

Apr. 28

Draft of paper due

 Bring hard copy to class & email to by 9:30am

May 1

Victorian Queer Archive Assignment Due by 5pm

Week 16

May 2

Final Day of class – Discussion of Presentations, Wrap-Up

Final Exam – May 9th, 10:15-12:15pm

May 9

Seminar presentations and seminar paper due, emailed to