Online Assignment #5: Victorian Prostitution


Write a 300 word blog post that addresses the following questions:

How does Flora Tristan describe prostitution in the Victorian period? How does one of the poems listed above portray prostitution? Does it seem similar to Tristan’s account? Does it blame the women? The men? Does the poem have a sympathetic attitude towards the sex worker in the poem? Why or why not? No comments on other blog posts required (but they’re always appreciated).


March 7th by 9am.

How to Blog:

1. Go to and log in with your New Paltz username and password.

2. Make sure you’re viewing the class website (, not your own personal page.  Check by looking at the URL and by hovering the mouse over “My Sites” in the upper left-hand side of the screen:  if you’re on the right page, it will say “19th Century Gender and Sexuality.” If it doesn’t say that, click “Switch Site” and click on the class website.

3. To make a post, click on the word “Posts” on the left-hand side of a screen (with an icon of a pushpin).

4. Click “Add New” to create a new post.

5. Give your post a title, and start typing the post in the main text field.

6. Use the buttons above the text field to bold, italicize, cross out, indent, and align the text.

7. To add a hyperlink, highlight text, then click the icon of a chain link next to the alignment buttons. Copy and paste the URL into the spot labeled “URL,” and then click “Add Link.”

8. Click the “Add Media” button to add pictures or videos like this one:

Woman_reading_(2780164461) Note: Use the links in the popup menu to upload anything online (e.g. YouTube videos and tweets), and drop and drag to upload images from your own computer into the media library, and then follow the instructions to add it to your post.

9. Proofread your post! Get rid of spelling, grammar, or syntax errors.

10. When it’s done, add tags (a.k.a. themes/keywords in your post) in the box on the right labeled “Tags.”

11. IMPORTANT: On the right-hand sidebar, you’ll see a section labeled “Categories.”  To have your post appear on the correct part of the website, you MUST check the box labeled “Class Blog.” Your post will not count as submitted without checking that box.

12. Finally, click the blue “Publish” button at the top right-hand side of the page.  Congrats on posting!