In all research papers, you’ll be either building on or refuting a scholar’s argument. This takes some practice.
For this assignment, choose two of your classmates’ blog posts on governesses in Brontë’s novel. Write a 2-3 sentence comment for each that goes beyond merely agreeing with the blog post.
February 25th, by 9am.
You can:
1. Agree with a point in the blog post and support it with an additional example from the novel or the article.
2. Disagree with a point in the blog post and support your point with a different example from the novel or the article.
3. Disagree with a point in the blog post and support your point with a different interpretation of the same example from the novel or article.
How to agree:
Don’t just say “I agree with Beth.” Instead, quote or paraphrase Beth’s point, then add to it with a phrase like “and we see this idea again later in the text when,” or “and a similar idea applies to the theme of class.”
How to disagree:
Don’t just say “I think you’re wrong.” Instead, first quote or paraphrase their point, then try responding to it with a phrase like “I actually think that,” “but the quotation on page 5 suggests an alternative explanation,” or “but the word ‘slavery’ in that quotation suggests a different interpretation.”
Don’t forget to be professional! No personal attacks or disagreements.
How to Comment:
- Log in.
- Navigate to the post you want to comment on.
- Click the words “Leave a Comment.”
- Type your comment in the text box under the words “Leave a Reply.”
- When you’re done and you’ve proofread your comment, click the button labelled “Post Comment.”
- Congrats! You’ve left a comment! Don’t forget to comment on a second blog post!