Votes for Women

Upon first glance, I believed the article to be an actual documentation of a women’s suffrage meeting in Victorian London and was excited to read an authentic discussion between suffragists in that time.  It didn’t take too long for me to realize though that this was a highly satirical article that really made a mockery of the women fighting so hard to obtain a basic human right that should be bestowed upon every citizen. The first give away that this article is satirical was the name of the chairwoman, “Mrs. Shrieker.”  After that, I realized that the previous paragraph where the author writes

It being thought desirable to secure unnbiassed utterance, none of the male sex were permitted to be present. Husbands were, however, suffered to attend in an antechamber and, with the view to their comfort and consolement, notes of the proceedings were from time to time sent out to them.

the author is completely facetious. To the average Victorian male reader I assume that this would be quite hilarious and I actually found myself disappointed for several reasons. First, I was disappointed that this article was satirical because I had been excited to read a documentation of a women’s suffrage meeting. Second, I was disappointed because I had believed that having a women’s only meeting to discuss the vote was completely valid and justified. Third, I was disappointed because I realized that it is the view of the author that having a women’s only meeting is absolutely absurd.

The author of this article certainly does not take women as individual human beings seriously, particularly on an intellectual level.  This is especially evident in the names he has given the women in this mock account of a suffrage meeting. The women have names such as “Mrs. Snorter,” “Mrs. Scratcher,” “Mrs. Prettywoman,” and of course “Mrs. Shrieker.” The only woman with any semblance of a normal name is “Mrs. Smith” or “Mrs. Smyijthe” whose name the writer wasn’t even sure of.  Of course, satirical articles are meant to make jokes but I think the naming of the women reveals the misogynistic sentiment of the writer. Reducing women to unpleasant sounds like shrieking and snorting is really harsh and in the case of “Mrs. Prettywoman” where she has been reduced to her looks is total objectification.

Much of the article is focused on ridiculing the women’s behavior, for example there are many instances where the writer adds silly remarks of the women in attendence in parenthesis:

(Cries of “Dear no!” and loud cheering.) Englishwomen were alive and awake to what was wanted. Reform was what they wanted, and their husbands might rely on it that they would get no rest until Reform was granted. (Hear!) She (MRS. SNORTER) meant mischief, she could tell them. (Renewed cheering, and screams of “So do we!”) She perhaps was not possessed of so sharp a tongue as some people(Sensation, and cries of “Name: name!”) but MR. SNORTER might depend he’d not have a night’s peace, until she got her Right to Vote safe underneath her pillow!

As opposed to making an ideological argument through satirical means against women having the right to vote, the writer makes fun of the type of woman who demands the right to vote– although I suppose that this in itself shows the ideology of the writer. No argument needs to be made because the writer and presumably the male readers of this article already believe that women are inferior and do not deserve the right to vote.


“Great Reform Meeting.” Punch. 1859. Dictionary of Victorian London. Lee     Jackson. Web. 15 February 2016.


I decided to focus my attention on a very specific category, abortion. This category falls under ‘Sex’ as a preliminary category. The ‘Abortion’ category is broken up into two subcategories: cases & opinions.

Now, I most certainly realize the stigma that goes along with abortion, and after going through these readings, it has become abundantly clear that this stigma has always existed to some degree. I feel as though, despite the progress that has been made over the past 120 years or so, the stigma around abortions still holds true.

In the article, “‘The Conjugal Relationships as regards Personal Health & Hereditary Well-being”, written by Augustus K Gardner in 1894, abortion is talked about as the most unholy of acts.

Gardner writes:

Of all the sins, physical and moral, against man and God, I know of none so utterly to be condemned as the very common one of the destruction of the child while yet in the womb of the mother. So utterly repugnant is it, that I can scarcely express the loathing with which I approach the subject. Murder! Murder in cold blood, without cause, of an unknown child; one’s nearest relative; in fact, part of one’s very being; actually having, not only one’s own blood in its being, but that blood momentarily interchanging! Good God! Does it seem possible that such depravity can exist in a parent’s breast-in a mother’s heart!

(Gardner 1894)

Now, granted that this piece is an opinion piece, and not a genuine case, but nonetheless, this belief was not uncommon amongst the people at the time. Abortion was not declared legal in England until 1967. In the United States, a woman was not allowed to choose until 1973.

Upon finishing the article, which is a complete reiteration of this opening paragraph, it became increasingly clear that the notion of abortion at the time was extreme taboo (which is, again, to be expected). It was viewed as digesting and an act against God.


After reading the opinions section of the abortion section on the website, I turned my attention towards actual case studies.

In the city of Lambeth, in 1853, a case was brought up against three doctors, Mr. Charles Cunningham, alias Smith, Mr. James Thompson Currie, and Mr. George Thomas (The Times 1853). In this case, the doctors were brought before a judge with charges indicating that these men were performing illegal abortions in the city, a crime punishable for (according to the article) for up to 15 years in jail.


After reading through opinions and the case study, it has become increasingly clear that women had no control over their bodies, and this notion did not change for over 100 years after this case study and opinion piece.



Age Old Issues on Rape

I chose to learn about the Age of Consent/Children as Victims in Lee Jackson’s “Victorian Dictionary”. One letter was written in “The Times” on November 29, 1849, in which the author, “A Man” describes an appalling incident in which a little girl was pursued by a fifty year old man and the police officer, before finally pursuing the incident first claimed “he had no right to interfere”. It was shocking to me that the authorities would be so blazé, especially considering the rigid social propriety. Towards the end of the letter, the man goes on to state that the policeman “was familiar with occurrences like this”. Clearly this is a major unaddressed issue, right?

I continued onto the article concerning police duties in 1903, in which the process of rape prosecution was discussed.. There were many astounding facts within’ the reports, though I think there was definitely more that I wasn’t able to grasp because of the language and wording of the document. In the case of a rape, the attacker could only be prosecuted “within three months of the commission of the offense”. There also required additional evidence not including the original “defilement or attempted defilement of a girl under thirteen years of age” (Women and Children). Woman needed more proof than their own bodies. When you also consider the information in the Virginity section concerning the number of girls “fallen at, or under, the age of sixteen” to their own family members due to financial struggle, resorting to “juvenile prostitution” is astounding (Sherwell).

The articles opened my eyes to the overwhelming lingering lack of action our species has taken concerning such a disgusting act. Considering the amount of incest revealed in “Life in West London: A Study and a Contrast”, rape was a very prevalent situation in the young women of the Victorian era. I was also very surprised at the lack of propriety concerning this issue, especially after learning of all the social retaliation due to indecent decisions concerning virtue, like Lydia’s sham marriage with Wickham. These articles made me realize Pride and Prejudice definitely showed a nicer perspective of society from the era.

Works Cited

Childs, H. “Women and Children.” ‘Police Duty’ Catechism and Reports. Victorian London Dictionary. Web. 14 February 2016.

“Sex – Age of Consent / Children as victims – attitudes towards.” The Times. Victorian London Dictionary.  Web. 14 February 2016.

Sherwell, Arthur. “Life in West London: A Study and a Contrast.” Victorian London Dictionary. Web. 14 February 2016.

Old Maids

The two articles on old maids agree that there is a multitude of women that are old maids: female bachelors that are destined to remain that way. Carlile states that an old maid is a women past the age of 25 whose comely features deteriorate. Poor features start to rise and rob the woman of her charm and good looks due to her lack of sexual exploration. “[t]hey become pale and languid, that general weakness and irritation, a sort of restlessness, nervous fidgettyness takes possession of them.” (Carlile). While Sala writes about how you can tell which girls based on their personality and demeanor “Among a family of blooming girls one who already wears the stigmata of old maidenhood.” He believes that a woman either blooms into a marriageable woman or a sad old maid.

While men normally do not remain bachelors their whole lives some women (old maids) seem destined to remain single, as he explains “But how many women-young, fair, and accomplished, pure and good and wise-are doomed irrevocably to solitude and celibacy!” They try to join the married but as Sala further explains “It chills the blood to see these hopeless cases, to see the women resign themselves to their fate with a sad meek smile-to come back, year after year, and find them still meek, smiling, but sad, confirmed old maids.” It is not that they are uncomely as Carlile suggests, but they resign to a life of solitude and without marriage. Sala was a journalist writing a book that was meant to be an accurate description of a day in London during the 1850s, so when he mentions the old maids he is only explaining them as they are, not with a trace of irony or misrepresentation from his perspective.

From Carlile’s view, he wanted women to have sexual emancipation and that without this emancipation, women will become old maids. While Carlile believes it is through sexual exploration as he states “Women who had never had sexual commerce begin to droop when about twenty-five years of age, that they become pale and languid.” If a women does not engage themselves, in these experiences, she will begin to suffer the affects of old maidenhood and start to decline as a person.

Sala, George Augustus. Twice Round the Clock, or The Hours of the Day and Night in London. 1859. Print.

Carlile, Richard. Every Woman’s Book . 1838. Print.

Victorian Opinions on Abortion

Abortion is a topic that has been argued both for, and against, for hundreds of years; nowadays the argument is pro-life versus pro-choice. The article that I read on Lee Jackson’s “Victorian Dictionary” is basically a very long rant that negates the practice of abortions. Augustus Gardiner, a physician in 1894, is the author of such an article. From the very first line we see his viewpoint on the topic of abortion; “Of all the sins, physical and moral, against man and God, I know of none so utterly to be condemned as the very common one of the destruction of the child while yet in the womb of the mother.” The article then goes on to talk about all the places in the world that practice infanticide and the reasons for such a practice. He mentions places like Greece and China and Sparta, places that practice infanticide due to deformities or religious practices, etc. These places are meant to serve as juxtaposition to England because the women in England were getting abortions due to “selfish” reasons. Gardiner states that the women would rather face “the heinousness of the sin; the possibility of death immediate and painful; the likelihood of prolonged illness and future debility; [and] the chance of a blighted being constantly before the sight…” rather than have their children. Gardiner really plays on the ethos of the people of the time by focusing on the fact that killing a child is an act against God.

The only credibility Gardiner has is that fact that he is an actual physician who probably encounters women seeking abortions on a daily basis. Unfortunately, it is known that the Victorian era was a time when women were seen as property whose only real purpose was bearing children and staying at home to cook and clean and raise those same children. Though I am not condoning abortions, I feel as though the women who were brave enough to seek abortions or even desperate enough to attempt to do it themselves were really women speaking out and taking back a piece of themselves that was given away the second they said, “I do.” Gardiner also contradicts himself at times. He states, “we can forgive the poor, deluded girl-seduced, betrayed, abandoned-who, in her wild frenzy, destroys the mute evidence of her guilt…But for the married shirk, who disregards her divinely ordained duty, we have nothing but contempt…” If abortion were truly evil then wouldn’t it make sense that it would be a sin to every woman who had one? Not just the married ones? This quote further supports my idea that his real anger is directed at the married women who did not really exist in the eyes of the law and of men.

Works Cited

“Victorian London – Sex – Abortion – Opinions.” The Conjugal Relationships as Regards Personal Health & Hereditary Well-being. Victorian London Dictionary.  Web. 14 February 2016.

Lee Jackson’s Abortion Article: Here

The Feminine Victorian Diet

Lee Jackson’s Victorian Dictionary contains a multitude of passages that deal strictly with the “proper” diet of a woman living in the Victorian era. In The Lady’s Dressing Room, Baroness Staffe lays out her comprehensive ideas on what exactly a woman of the time should and should not eat. She writes, “In order to avoid growing old (that bankruptcy for the sex!), nourish yourself with food, light, but nutritious and varied, according to the seasons” (Staffe 254). Here Staffe is promising the maintenance of youth, or at least the appearance of youth, by proposing a simple dietary regimen. This promise of youth is problematic because she immediately aligns it with women by saying that aging is the ultimate bane of the sex. She isn’t validating her diet by its health benefits but by how it will keep dieters looking young, and therefore more palatable for a male audience.  She goes on to describe a meal that is so sparse, it should hardly count as a meal at all. She recommends only a glass of milk for the first course of the day, followed by “an egg and a vegetable” (254) for the second breakfast. Finally she proposes to dine at six at night, and to “not have too great a number of dishes”.  With a meal plan like this it’s shocking that any women survived the Victorian era at all. Staffe values fruits and vegetables, which is commendable, but she goes on to so urgently detest other foods on the bases that they will somehow mar the complexion, that her overall premise is laughable.  After discussing a woman who lived almost solely off oranges for forty years she writes, “I cannot say I advise such a diet, but certainly the prettiest women are generally as frugal as camels in their food” (259).

Staffe urges moderation but then goes on to cite and commend various women who eat nearly nothing, in apparent contrast with some of her earlier advice.  She operates under the guise of a helping hand; she offers her ideas as a way of attaining beauty and youth, and while she has a few sound concepts, the rest of her advice is so unhealthy that it taints everything else written. Her ideas are often contradictory, and as a result, the only logical conclusion that can be gleamed from her advice is that while she may view her proposed diet positively, it would be both difficult and unhealthy to implement it in Victorian times. The result is a telling piece of indoctrination that tries to compel its readers through manipulation and fable rather than solid rationale.

Works Cited

Staffe, Baroness. “Feminine Diet: Nourishment.” The Lady’s Dressing Room. Victorian London     Dictionary. Web. 14 February 2016.


I came across an interesting topic in Lee Jacksons “The Dictionary of Victorian London”, which spoke of the opinions on abortions during the Victorian era.  The opening sentence states that there is no greater sin than “the destruction of the child while yet in the womb of the mother” (Jackson). Language, such as the word sin, allows the audience to understand that the article takes a religious stand-point on the topic of abortion, and that murder is one of the worst sins you can commit.  The act of abortion is even called murder and infanticide within the opening paragraphs of the piece—two strong words used to describe abortion; both of these words are sharp and invoke certain feelings and connotations with them.  The article uses many other strong word choices to negatively describe the act of abortion: “new-born are put to death”, “condemned to death”, “self-destruction”, and “moral-degradation”.

The article says that abortions are wrong, as they “avoid the cares, the expense, [and] the duty of nursing and tending a child” (Jackson); the accusatory remark only points fingers and attempts to shame women of this time period by arguing that the only reason they abort their children is to avoid the responsibility of having them.  The speaker continues to list various parts of the world and their common reasons for abortion, most of which include deformities in the child, or their mothers dying.  In contrast, it says that the women of Victorian England only had abortions for selfish reasons, like the ones aforementioned.

The majority of the article touches on cases of abortion where mothers had sick children, deformed children, or severe health risks, mentioning quite a few cases of women in New York.  The article itself was originally written and published in America, but was later republished in London.  The very closing of the article says, “and now I leave it with confidence that He who founded this great nation … will not leave it to self-destruction and moral degradation” (Jackson), meaning that the speaker is confident that God, the founder of the nation / world, will not allow such a sinful act like abortion to continue on in this world.

The article does not take a scientific approach to the topic of abortion, and models the views that would have been accurate for the Victorian time period—especially involving a highly religious view on the matter.  The religious view is not only accurate for this time period, but also stands with a lot of people in the current time period.



“Victorian London – Sex – Abortion – Opinions.” The Conjugal Relationships as Regards Personal Health & Hereditary Well-being. Victorian London Dictionary.  Web. 14 February 2016.

Cross-Dressing: A Desirable Crime!

In Lee Jackson’s Victorian Dictionary, I researched accounts of cross-dressing women and found that many of these women were often “found out” in lawful investigations following the conviction of a separate crime. The first article I read was written for a newly published magazine at the time (though the source did not indicate which), and it tells of a woman who called herself Bill Chapman, who caused a disturbance at a bar after being complained of by many others for being a “cheat and imposter” (1). The article, entitled, “HATTON GARDEN. EXTRAORDINARY CASE- A MAN-WOMAN,” tells of Chapman’s alternative lifestyle of smoking cigars, wearing men’s hats and trousers, and traveling with another woman, who is her wife. The investigator’s comment,”She may be a disorderly and disreputable character, which, in fact, her dressing as a man clearly shows, but I know of no law to punish her for wearing male attire” (1) clearly depicts a common attitude towards the great misunderstanding of transgender people at the time. This claim also identifies with the words used to describe Chapman, referring to her a “creature” and using the pronoun “it.” Chapman reasoned her dress as “owning to the cruelty of her father-in-law” (1).
Another account from “The Penny Illustrated Paper,” discussed a woman who disguised herself as a man so she could make more money. Her in initial crime was “annoying the landlady of a lodging house…by creating a disturbance and threatening to beat another woman…whom she had been living with as husband” (4). In spite of the crime, this article heavily focuses on the fact that she is a woman in man’s clothing. In fact, the heading of the article is “A WOMAN FOR SIX YEARS IN MAN’S CLOTHES” (4). This seems that the lore to get people’s attention to read the article is more so by pointing out her “oddity” rather than her crime, then again, how else can one expect Victorian society to react?

It wasn’t until recently that cross-dressing became socially acceptable on the surface of society, so I found these accounts to be quite interesting, especially when considering the different reasons as to why women cross-dressed. Was it for women’s rights? or was it an expression of their sexuality?

Works Cited

“Hutton Garden. Extraordinary Case-A Man-Woman.” Victorian London Dictionary. Web. 14 February 2016.

“The Penny Illustrated Newspaper.” Victorian London Dictionary. Web. 14 February 2016.

On “keeping oneself attractive”

On Lee Jackson’s “Victorian Dictionary” site I browsed the subcategory “Health and Beauty” of the “Women” section, where I found a number of articles ranging from topics such as self-care during pregnancy to the “Feminine Diet”. One article which particularly struck me, listed as “keeping oneself attractive”, came from an etiquette and advice manual of the time. It was written by the French Baroness Staffe and translated to English by Lady Colin Campbell in 1893. The article explains the important of the “woman’s sanctum”; that is, her dressing room. According to Baroness Staffe, a lady’s dressing room is a sacred ground for her and her alone, forbidden even to her husband. It’s where a woman “practises all kinds of magic, in order to keep herself so astonishingly young and lovely” as to “captivate, or to retain the heart of, the man she loves” (“The Lady’s Dressing Room”). In other words, it’s where a woman does her make-up and hair every morning, which are of upmost importance for Victorian women. The article shows the ridiculous standards that these women faced (some of which still stand today): Baroness Staffe’s rules dictate that a woman must look beautiful at all times, for it is “her mission to please and charm”. She even says that if a woman should feel insecure or slighted by her husband for looking at another woman, it’s her own fault for not putting more effort into her hair that day or for wearing her corset. Yet men should believe that women are always pretty and sweet-smelling because they are “so adorned by Nature”, not because they are obliged to spend hours on their appearance every morning. The Baroness dismisses women who have a “total disregard of appearances”, citing this as the reason for tumultuous marriages (“The Lady’s Dressing Room”). She expects women to not only abide by her standards but find joy and pleasure in doing so.

Work Cited

Staffe. “The Lady’s Dressing Room”. Trans. Colin Campbell. Cassel & Company Limited, 1893. Web. February 14, 2016. attractive


Browsing through Lee Jackson’s “The Victorian Dictionary,” I found an article under Women’s Sexuality about a “Man-Woman”.  The article, titled “Hatton Garden. Extraordinary Case – A Man-Woman,” was written and published in 1835 as an investigative report. The article, essentially, tries to investigate a transgendered woman who goes by the name, Bill Chapman. Bill Chapman dresses in male clothes, is a ballad singer, and lives with Isabella Watson whom are “considered to be man and wife.” Bill is arrested for tricking the inspector into believing Bill is a man (at least it is suggested). Just from the article title alone, the author seems amazed by such a person. It seems there wasn’t a word for “transgender” so the very concept seemed very confusing, the author acts as if he has come across an important discovery for which he calls a “creature” in the first sentence. The author does not seem to condemn Bill Chapman, but just seems very confused on how to react or call him which reflects the time’s slim understanding of transgender people.

The characters in the article dehumanizes Bill because they are unsure what to call him since they cannot accept his identified gender. As I mentioned before, the author calls Bill a “creature.” The inspector, Oakley, calls Bill a thing: “…although the thing before them, that called itself Bill Chapman, was attired in man’s apparel, he had ascertained that it was a woman.” Because there is no word for transgender, the author and characters of the article don’t even identify Bill as human with their mention of “it,” “creature,” and “thing.” They dehumanize Bill in their lack of accurate diction.  Oakley then attaches the pronoun, she, to address Bill before revealing he’s known Bill for ten years. Oakley did not realize Bill was a woman until recently which (it is suggested) is what leads to his arrest.

Transgender people were not only neglected under any form of gender identification, they were also outside the law. Bill is arrested for “being a common cheat and impostor, and creating a disturbance.” When comparing this statement to Oakley’s long-belief that Bill is a man, it seems Bill is arrested because Oakley felt tricked.  Yet, Bill did not break any law as Mr. Bennet states: “I know of no law to punish her for wearing male attire.” However, this does not mean society accepted transgender people. As Oakley points out, he would like to punish Bill, but he has no valid reason to do so. Bill and transgender people are so outside of society there is no law against their choice in attire.

To even make the reporter’s account of the story more unreliable, the author points out that the reporter got the height of Bill and Isabella wrong. This odd note at the bottom emphasizes how confused society was of transgender people.

Yet, we still have this confusion of transgender people today because the English language lacks gender-neutral pronouns. I found this piece very intriguing because of that correlation. Even take the last line of the article, “…although this strange being had lodged for a number of years at the house alluded to, it was never known it was a woman, though at the same time it was never supposed that the creature was a man.” I often find people calling a transgendered person a “he/she” because a gender-neutral pronoun is uncommon. The lack of inclusion of queer people in society is still very relevant today.

Work Cited

“Sinks of London Laid Open.” Victorian London Dictionary. Web. 13 February 2016.