Reflective Cover Letter
Dear ePortfolio Reader,
Prior to taking English 160 my thoughts on English was that it was a complex subject, but also allowed individuals such as myself to speak out about certain problems going on in the world and let our voices be heard. Writing for me had consistently been a challenge when it came to expressing my ideas and often summarizing all my thoughts. Although I had always had an interest in writing as it gave me a platform to express myself and aided in helping me have better communication skills, I have never been a confident writer.
Through the lessons that I had been taught in English 160, I was able to learn various skills and strategies I could apply in the future. One of these is the use of rhetorical appeals. In this class I learned how to apply ethos, logos, and pathos into my writing. I was most successful in using pathos in my writing as in certain major projects such as The Persuasive Essay, I was able to apply my own story to make the readers feel something about my experience in various class settings.
Also, an additional strategy I had been taught in this class was to improve upon my presentation skills. I am not the best at presenting, but when doing the Virtual Presentation for this class I was able to conduct my presentation in an appropriate manner to the viewer and also not struggle on the ideas being presented. I made sure the viewer was able to understand my argument and not
I had used what I had learned when it comes to presentation skills in my Visual Language class for my Unit 2 Game Project. I learned when it came to slides there doesn’t need to be much wording on it, and that the viewer can rely on images. I used this knowledge to make slides and also to place my information more organized.
Also the use of pathos and logos as well because I had to appeal to my audience to demonstrate that shoppers could make better options when shopping. I had placed focus on my images and made the audience understand the dilemma by demonstrating an orangutan upset as a result of shoppers buying palm oil products.
As the end of the course is approaching, I feel as if my attitude toward my writing has expanded my knowledge of writing and use of writing in college. I feel as if I have gained various strengths by learning in this class and could I apply them to future college courses. I am especially more confident in presenting my ideas and also presenting them to the viewers and readers of my writing.
Thank you for taking your time to read this letter!
Ashley Vasquez