For Faculty

Working with the DSC

The DSC works directly with faculty to plan and implement digital projects and assignments into the classroom. We can support your students with hands-on tech help, and support instructors in designing creative, effective digital scholarship assignments.

The DSC supports a variety of digital scholarship tools and pedagogy.

The DSC provides access to Audacity, a free audio editing software. The DSC also houses a sound booth and an audio recording “round table” which seats four people. Students, faculty and staff can reserve a recording station after completing a brief orientation.

The DSC supports StoryMaps JS and Google My Maps.

Digital Collections
Omeka is an open source application for the creation of online digital collections and online exhibits.

Citation Management
Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you
collect, organize, annotate, cite, and share research.

Courses that have worked with the DSC:

HIS300: Historian’s Craft
SPA315: Spanish for Native Speakers
ESL141: Grammar for Academic Prep
DMJ402: Storytelling
LAM270: Intro to Latin American Studies

Faculty have said:

“The DSC opened my pedagogical horizon to alternative teaching practices. Thanks to the DSC, our class produced a series of final projects that were both critically engaging and innovative.”


“The staff at the DSC helped the students feel comfortable learning the software and other technology that was key for the success of the project.”


“The leaders of the DSC worked in a friendly, professional manner with our class schedule to answer our questions and teach us new recording skills that enabled small groups to perform and preserve real-life speaking skills.”

Assignment Samples

Mapping Primary Sources
Three sections Historian’s Craft (HIS300) collaboratively created a map of primary sources

  • Learning outcomes:
  • Assignment handouts:
  • Three course sessions were dedicated to working with a library for this assignment. One session was hands-on technology training at the DSC.

Creating a Podcast Episode

  • Audacity

Reserve the DSC for a Class

Faculty are able to schedule a maximum of two class meetings in the DSC, per course, per semester. These class sessions must be related to using digital tools available at the DSC. To place a reservation request, please email

Schedule a Consultation

Sit down with a librarian to discuss a potential digital scholarship project, tool, or assignment. To schedule a consultation, please email


Have an idea for a workshop or service that the DSC could support? Let us know! Email