Scrim and Ruby, born Scott Arceneaux and Aristos Petrou, are a cousins from New Orleans, Louisiana. Their nomenclature $uicideboy$ stems from a promise they made to eachother. After prolonged dissatisfaction with their lives and careers, they agreed that if they didn’t succeed in their professional, and by extension their personal, goals by age 30 they would fulfill a suicide pact. Prior to first publishing a creative collaboration in 2014 (the Kill Yourself Part I: The $uicide $aga EP, the first in a series now consisting of ten installments) they had seperate careers in music. Rudy was a member of another rap group and Scrim was a DJ. He’d been making beats since childhood; the computer he used bought by himself with drug money.
Both struggle battling drug addictions. Scrim has been sober since 2019, and has been vocal about his struggles on social media and in is solo album, A Man Rose From the Dead, which he released post-rehab. Scrim’s additionally been diagnosed with BPD, and expresses experiences concerning his diagnosis through some of his narrative personnas. Ruby’s less open about his struggles, but discusses it equally in his lyrics.