Join a larger Conversation next week: Talking Constructively About Race in the Classroom, Wed. February 6

Next week please come to a campus-wide event very much in the spirit of Conversation One.  It’s called  “Continuing the Conversation: Talking Constructively About Race in the Classroom -A Panel Discussion for Students, Faculty & Staff”

Panelists Anthony Dandridge (Black Studies) Vanessa Plumly (German, WGSS and Jewish Studies) Reynolds Scott-Childress (History) Carolyn Corrado (Sociology, Latin American & Caribbean Studies) Mark Colvson (Sojourner Truth Library) will lead a panel discussion on ways  educators handle the topics of race and racism in the classroom environment.

This will be an opportunity for faculty, staff and students to discuss what goes on in their classes and offices. Our focus will be on building a more inclusive and welcoming environment of all who claim, “we are SUNY New Paltz.” We will have a constructive and productive conversation in which the goal will be learning from each other and voicing many perspectives on the meaning of diversity and how this concept enriches classroom discussion.

Date:  Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Time:  3:30 – 5:00 p.m.

Location:  CSB Auditorium

More info from the website

“I know just how you feel…” – Really?! – Conversation One TODAY Jan 30

Pretty often, when I describe an experience of racism that hit me hard to someone who isn’t black, they’ll say, “I know just how you feel.”

This bugs the &$#% out of me. We’ve just met, or maybe chatted casually a couple times, and now you can understand how personally hurtful, enraging, etc. my experience was for me?!

I imagine a person who is female, East Asian, queer, or trans, feels something similar when the person who instantly “knows how they feel” is from the majority/mainstream. True statement? Unfair generalization? Care to discuss?

Conversation One

Wednesday, Jan 30, @ 4:30 PM [Late arrivals/early departures are welcome!]

Sojourner Truth Library Conference Room (M39)

EVERYONE is welcome to join in the Conversation: staff/faculty, students, community members. Any religion, or no religion, any political affiliation, or none.  No special expertise needed.

Come prepared to listen generously and with a willingness to learn.  Our goal is to speak from our lived experience, and to be mindful of the feelings of others.  More detail in our Mission and Values.

“Today’s Topic” is just a suggestion.  You are always welcome to bring whatever is challenging, or hurting, or encouraging you in your life.

To be sure to get all updates, join the mailing list.

Zereo Tolerance? – Conversation One TODAY, Jan 23, 2019

It’s comforting to say we won’t tolerate bad behavior: sexual misconduct, “hate” speech, etc.  But what happens if we mess up?  Mistakes are a natural part of learning.  But if the price of a mistake in these most sensitive areas is too high, how do we sustain a learning community?  How can each of us contribute to the solution?

Care to discuss?

Conversation One

Wednesday, Jan 23, @ 4:30 PM [Late arrivals/early departures are welcome!]

Sojourner Truth Library Conference Room (M39)

EVERYONE is welcome to join in the Conversation: staff/faculty, students, community members. Any religion, or no religion, any political affiliation, or none.  No special expertise needed.

Come prepared to listen generously and with a willingness to learn.  Our goal is to speak from our lived experience, and to be mindful of the feelings of others.  More detail in our Mission and Values.

“Today’s Topic” is just a suggestion.  You are always welcome to bring whatever is challenging, or hurting, or encouraging you in your life.

To be sure to get all updates, join the mailing list.

“When did you know?” – Conversation One TODAY Jan 16, 2019

It’s a question we often ask people we think of as “minorities.” “When did you first realize you were [queer/black/differently abled/atheist] different”? Of course, we’re all different.  We just forget how hard we worked when we were young to hide it.  Could sharing our stories – about realizing something that made us different or weird and how we hid it from the world – draw us all a little closer together?  (I promise to share at least one of my own 😉

Conversation One

Wednesday, Jan 16, @ 4:30 PM [Late arrivals/early departures are welcome!]

Soujourner Truth Library Conference Room (M39)

EVERYONE is welcome to join in the Conversation: staff/faculty, students, community members. Any religion, or no religion, any political affiliation, or none.  No special expertise needed.

Come prepared to listen generously and with a willingness to learn.  Our goal is to speak from our lived experience, and to be mindful of the feelings of others.  More detail in our Mission and Values.

“Today’s Topic” is just a suggestion.  You are always welcome to bring whatever is challenging, or hurting, or encouraging you in your life.

To be sure to get all updates, join the mailing list.