The Academic Year 2020-2021 has come to a close, as has my year as interim chair. Though my responsibilities, including teaching responsibilities, will continue during the summer, the pace changes significantly for the next few months. The campus largely empties out. Many colleagues go to their summer engagements. We all feel the pause.
As I reflect on this past year, I am grateful for our students, the administration, and the terrific colleagues I had the honor of sharing the roundtable with this year.
The semester started with new challenges—aside from COVID, and all the new guidelines and directives in place—there were a number of invisible challenges (too many to recount here) as we on-ramped the academic year.
The clouds began to part in September, when we secured funds from a wonderful foundation donor and college advisor to move forward on the podcasting class. Thank you Professor Brett Barry for the big assist there. From assembling the list, to working with our friends in the DASH lab and the foundation office, to defining and securing necessary equipment to launch this endeavor. Great job!
We got the new TV Studio LED lights and lighting board up and running. Big Thank you to Professor Megan Sperry, who has been a constant guardian angel to that space, and a thank you to Media Equipment Manager Joe Vlachos for making sure the gear and training were in place. Also, thank you Professor Vlachos for all your work in getting the equipment protocols set.
Professor James Gormley has been a rock star with our publication the Legislative Gazette, which is run exclusively by interns he oversees. He balances enormous responsibilities with this important publication, that has passed its 40th anniversary milestone. Thank you, Professor Gormley, for your tireless work.
There is a lot of invisible labor in academia. Part of that labor includes chairing subcommittees. Professor Will Hong chaired one of the most vital, if not THE most vital in our department. And his work was exceptional and invaluable. Thank you Professor Hong.
The Ottaway Professor this year, E. Tammy Kim, was absolutely incredible, inspiring, thought provoking. The format presented new virtual challenges. Thank you Ottaway Director Dr. Rachel Somerstein for all your work, and the abundance of energy and professionalism you bring to this role. We also had two Ottaway sponsored classes this year with journalists Emily Atkin, who is also an alumna, and Fara Warner. Again, thank you, Dr. Somerstein, for running such a successful multi-faceted program.
We’ve also had new challenges with advising and internships. Thank you to our Department Advisor and Intern Coordinator Nancy Heiz for your hard work, your dedication to our students, and for working through so many new protocols to ensure our interns’ safety and security. Every student, no matter who their department advisor may be, works with Nancy Heiz at some point in their academic careers with us.
And thank you to Robert Miller for taking on so many advisees, and guiding our students through so much shifting terrain.
Another important subcommittee examines curriculum. While there were several who made meaningful contributions to that committee, I must thank Dr. Jessica Crowell for getting into the minutiae of new classes, class revisions, and all the labor associated with ensuring a forward looking curriculum for our students. Thank you.
I would also like to thank the part-time Adjunct Professors we had working with us this year. You rose to meet our students’ needs, and our class requirements, despite so much uncertainty. I have read so much praise from our students for your efforts, I hope you know just how appreciated you are. Thank you to the full-time faculty who are currently teaching solely asynchronous classes. Your physical absence has been felt in our department meetings. Thank you for all your work with our students.
A big special thanks to our Chair, Professor Lisa Phillips, who was on my speed-dial (yes, that’s still a thing) this entire year. Thank you for taking my calls and texts. That the ship is still sea-worthy is thanks to your navigation.
Thank you to our assistant Amy Witkus for all your work with Nancy Heiz, and your work connecting with our students, our freshmen, and our transfer students.
I can’t even tell you how many new processes we had to face this year. From the scheduling, to working through paperless contracts, to purchase orders, to all the invisible work in the department, our assistant Amanda Valentin has been an invaluable asset. Saying she’s invaluable is like saying the Hope Diamond is a little shiny. Amanda—Thank you. I don’t want to picture this past year without you, and I look forward to working with you this summer.
I hope you all have a wonderful summer. Please be gentle with yourselves. You need it.
I hope to see you on the other side of it, when we’re all rested and ready to engage with a new academic year.
Warm regards,