Latest directing project in progress. In the can, now moving to post. Exciting! Thank you DP/1st AD Eveline Levin, Sound Technician and Gaffer Joseph Vlachos, Scripty Harry Sheridan, talent Joseph Davis and Willis Williams, screenwriter John Patrick Bray, and PA’s Eamon Bray and Nora Bray. Also thanks to Christopher J. Sorrentino for the poster design, Jennifer Guyton-Bohlen for the toy costume designs, and to Megan Sperry for additional set dressing. Big thank you to Joshua Kreitzman, our project’s Guardian Angel. And to my yellow lab Arthur for keeping quiet during filming. #thatsawrap #comingsoon

BTS with DP Eveline Levin, Sound Technician Joseph Vlachos, and Joseph Davis as Guy Friendly. Escapism.