Escapism, an original short suspense film directed by SUNY New Paltz Digital Media and Journalism Department Chair and SUNY New Paltz Alumnus (Comm/Media ’00) Gregory Bray (Dir. Liner Notes, A Horse Connection) and written by UGA Department of Theatre and Film Studies Associate Professor, and SUNY New Paltz Theatre Arts alumnus (’00), John Patrick Bray based on his play, Friendly’s Fire, has earned a prestigious Broadcast Education Association Award of Excellence for Faculty Short Film.
This thrilling new film follows honorably discharged veteran Guy Friendly as he anticipates the arrival of his friend Todd, so they can enjoy a nostalgic Man-Man and the Sorcerers of Destiny cartoon. But as he’s waiting for Todd, his prized Man-Man toy collection seems to move of their own accord–with deadly intentions. Can Guy navigate memories of past horrors and truly become victorious?
Established in 1955, the Broadcast Education Association (BEA) is the premier international academic media organization, driving insights, excellence in media production, and career advancement for educators, students, and professionals. The association’s publications, annual convention, web-based programs, and regional district activities provide opportunities for juried production competition and presentation of current scholarly research related to aspects of the electronic media. “The award is a terrific honor,” says the film’s director. “The BEA is an incredibly important organization for creating opportunities for research, inquiry, criticism, and networking in an expanding and shifting media landscape. My thanks to the tremendous cast and dedicated crew, which was comprised of SUNY New Paltz faculty, alumni, and students.” The film was Executive Produced by Joshua Kreitzman, SUNY New Paltz Theatre Arts alumnus (’00).
About the film, Gregg Bray has said, “We’ve always been interested in the popularity of nostalgic escapist media, and how it can bring comfort to us in darker times. It seems we are seeing more and more nostalgic television and film across mediated platforms. And it’s worth asking, ‘what’s driving this?’ For Guy Friendly, escapism is just that—a way to escape from a traumatic set of circumstances.”
The Bray Brothers have previously worked together on the feature film Liner Notes, which won a First Place Faculty Feature Award with the BEA in 2016, and had its premiere at the Woodstock Film Festival that year, as well as the stage play Foul Feast, which was published by Next Stage Press in February of 2023.
“We work well together,” says John Patrick Bray. “Either he washes, and I dry, or I wash, and he dries.”
Escapism previously appeared in several festivals and competitions, including the Milan Shorts Film Festival; Talking It Out: A virtual arts festival promoting mental health awareness—where it was nominated in several categories (including Script and Best Picture) and earned a Best Actor Award for Joseph Davis, and Best sound mix; and will appear in the upcoming Wicked Realms Festival.