Asian Studies Alum Sampson Oppedisano shares the following information about an upcoming event and series of podcasts:

I wanted to share with you a public event my organization is hosting virtually on December 15th that might be of interest to both faculty, students, and anyone in your network. Over the last 6 months, the organization I work for hosted 10 emerging scholars on Korean peninsula security and other relevant topics for a series of professional development workshops and who will be discussing some of their research and experiences. 
Additionally, I recorded, edited, and mixed a podcast series for the organization that goes further in depth on each emerging scholar’s research. Scholars were interviewed by Susan Thornton, former Acting Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs for the State Department. 

The event registration can be found here and the podcast can be found here. The podcast episodes are released daily through December 14th so today our 3rd episode will be released around 3pm. 

The podcast is also available on Spotify

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