Hi, and welcome to my ePortfolio! I’m Ashlyn Scaria and I am currently a freshman at SUNY New Paltz. So far, I absolutely love the campus, although the area isn’t too different from my hometown. I am from Westchester County, which is about an hour and a half from campus. I went to Lakeland High school, which is in Shrub Oak; it’s a very small town that not many people know about. I am currently a celluar biology major, and I will hopefully do a sociology minor. To me, biology is extremely interesting since I get to learn how life itself works. From the cells inside our bodies to the ecosystems that are around us everywhere, I just can’t ever get bored of it. I am also in the BS/DO program, which is basically an accelerated medical program. I will be here at New Paltz for three years and I will start medical school at the NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine right after graduating here.

I have dreamt about becoming a doctor ever since I was a little kid, so being in this program is one major step to my end goal, which I am very excited about. It is a very long process, but what I like about it is that not only do I get to help make people’s lives better, but I am constantly learning throughout my journey. Yes, I am a nerd, but when it comes to something that I am seriously passionate about, I think I will enjoy this long path, even though it will be ridiculously hard. So hopefully, in the future, I will be working in a hospital as my dream profession! To me, the one thing I like about this BS/DO program the most is that we have a seminar every week with those in the program. I find it really fun and interesting to work and study along with people on the same career path as me. Most people only experience this once they get to medical school or their masters, but I’m so glad I’ve been granted the opportunity to have peers with me starting from now. But for now, I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me!

photo of me visiting longwood gardens