Sunset at SUNY New Paltz


Lynch, Douglas J. “Motivational Factors, Learning Strategies and Resource Management as       Predictors of Course Grades.” College Student Journal, vol. 40, no. 2, June 2006, pp.          423–428. EBSCOhost,

Accessed 9 March 2021


In the article, the authors discuss a study that was conducted between freshman and upper classmen to test correlation “between motivational factors and course grades” for freshman and upper classmen. This study examines different learning strategies that help students have a successful semester of college. These learning strategies include the four resource management factors. The four factors are: being able to effectively manage their time and study environment and knowing that there should be a time and place for academics; having a sense of expanding the effort you put into your work to do as best as you can; conduct research to help individuals learn more; and finally, students should seek out help from fellow peers and faculty. Moreover, the author observes that freshman is likely to proceed with their high school learning patterns possibly making it difficult for them to adapt in college.


The author of this article, Douglas J. Lynch, Ph. D. includes a survey as a part of his study where he gathered information that can help. When he conducted the study, the results showed that some students in fact need some sort of guidance to help them with their studies as they are coming in expecting to follow the same habits they had obtained in high school. SUNY New Paltz has helped students with enough resources to first-year students that can help with guidance, such as the EOP family and the advisors the program appoints.


Singh, Amit Kumar, et al. “Quality of Campus Life among College Students – A Survey.” Drug    Invention Today, vol. 12, no. 9, Sept. 2019, pp. 2048–2050. EBSCOhost,   


In this article, a survey was conducted with ten questions to assess college students’ lifestyles. The sample size for this survey includes 100 students from completely different schools. The authors of this article explain how campus activities and a student’s success have a positive correlation. This means that students tend to have more success when they participate in activities on campus. Also, the survey shows that most of the students who tended to join on campus groups and participate in activities were friendly and outgoing.



As I am speaking about the quality of my first-year experience, activities on campus make college life. More activities were offered in the spring semester than the first semester. With more activities, students find themselves to be more active and ultimately do better academically since they have something to get involved in, and that is something I have not experienced yet due to the impacts of COVID-19. In the spring semester some more activities had opened, like inside the wellness center which allowed students to complete activities and meet new people, also sports teams are back in action as well, unlike during the fall semester.