English cover letter


Aixa kou 


Dear Portfolio Evaluator,


Before starting this English course I thought my writing was good wasn’t the next top writer but I felt my writing was doable and to the point for my writing. What I learn to improve on in papers that I can use to later apply in my papers are using the database to find my research instead of going on google and trying to find reliable sources. 


Some skills that I can use for another class is using presentation skills like for example writing down important points, to be able to recall key points Just in case I were to forget  I would be able to look at my note cards and speak the important points in my presentation or just in general write down notes to remember and be able to rely on them.


Some critical reading we did in the class in the past is putting our sources in our research essay. We had to find books, journal articles , scholars articles to analyze and use towards our research paper. As well as,  our peer review during class after each writing assignment we were to give feedback and analyze each other’s work to improve on our drafts.


I feel like in my writing my strongest is when I’m introducing my evidence by explaining what it’s about before including the actual quote into the paragraph. I feel like what I need to grow better in my alyasis in my writing is explaining what the quote means and why it matters and bringing it back to my point.


I feel like some skills that should be emphasized more is how to better analyze a piece of evidence to better understand. As well as guiding college students on how to do it to put strength into their writing for the future which can help strengthen their essay for the future because I feel like many students struggle with this as well so I can imagine this can help many students.


Overall, for this course I think I was prepared for what was being asked of me because in high school I was used to writing a lot of papers for english about different topics as well as research papers, so it made me comfortable to write for the assignments that were given to me.