Annotated Bibliography

Proposal for an Essay (1)

German Army radio WW2 Torn-B

The Object above is a radio. I’m going to assume you know what that is in general. The particular radio above was used during world war two by the German Army. It is an Ukw.E.d1 model radio set used in aircraft so that pilots can communicate with one anouther. For the purposes of this essay. I will not be fouced on any particular model of radio (the image above is to invoke the idea of a radio), instead, I will be fouced on all radios used in the German army during the course of world war two. In particular I will be fousing on how the Germans used radio technology to defeat their opponets in the early part of world war two?

This is my research Question: How did the Germans use radio technology to defeat their opponets in the early part of world war two?

In 1939, Britian and France were the superpowers of the world. Going to war with one was ill-adviced, going to war agansit both was a suicide mission. Yet this is the situation that Germany faced after it declared war agansit Poland. Nonetheless, Germany, a mere month after it launched an invasion of Western Europe, had encircled the forces of one power in Dunkirk, and completely the shattered the forces of the other. I hypothize that the reason this is so, is because the Germans used the radio to become a highly flexible and moblie force. Quickly diseminating inteligence, orders and oppurtinties to always reamin one step ahead of the enemy.

The French cared after the Nazi Army were parading down the streets of Paris. It is exetremly important to study all aspects of the German Invasion so that we can prevent something similar happening in the
future. Getting conquered by a your adversary is, generally speaking, not a good thing. Doubly so if your adversary happens to be Jew-hating, ethno-cleansing, mass murdering maniac.

I’m an amuteur historian historian when it comes to subjects of WW2, so I already have a stronger then average background in this topic. For Instantce;
• I know that the Germans used radio in tanks whereas their enemies did not, this is how technically superior French tanks were easily defeated.

• I know that the German army had a “bottom-up” command structure in which commanders on the ground were allowed break orders to seize an opportunity

• I know that invasion of western Europe and Poland was extremely fast, hence the word “blitzkrieg.
Most important of these three points is the second point. Because I already know the command

structure was “bottom up”, I can infer the need for radios. For this style of warfare demands extremely quick communication to prevent units from becoming rogue agents.

Firstly, I’ll demonstrate that Radios had an impact on the German ability to conduct maneuver warfare. By;

• Using existing papers that directly link radio communication to German success in the early part of World War Two.

• Using sources of Wehrmacht Generals having radio experience, insisting on radio communication in war machines, etc.

The first paper will be easier because my quick introductory research has shown that there is quite a bit of material on this topic.

The Second Part will be harder because I will be researching and demonstrating negatives.
• I’ll demonstrate that neither Poland, France, or Britain did not employ radio in the same manner as the Germans did.

• I’ll demonstrate that, even if they had radio sets in all the right places, their own doctrine prevented them from using the radio to its fullest potential.

Essentially here will be a complete outline of my paper:
• The Germans had highly effective maneuver warfare doctrine, here is an author that explains the history of their doctrine.

• The German Military wanted radio, here is the primary/secondary sources of German generals wanting the same

• These doctrines paired well with the radio in military usage, here are the reason why [INSERT MY OWN REASONING], here are some authors that agree with me.

• The French had bad doctrine and incompetent leaders, here are the authors that say so.