YoU kNoW i’m An EnGiNeEr BeCuAsE i HaVe DiAl CaLiPeRs






Hi, My name is Aidan, I’m a senior studying Mechanical Engineering! Apparently becuase of ‘degree requirements’ I have to take ENG170, a writing and rhetoric course. “you must learn to communicate your ideas effectively if you want to be successful engineer!” Bah humbug! Whoever doesn’t listen me, the engineer, is clearly an idiot!

Anyways, the wicked question in our class was “How do object define us?” Therefore our papers had to be themed around some sort of impactful object. For my essay. I focused on how the Radio defined the French State. Or more accurately how the Radio enabled the German Army to quickly and forcibly redefine French Statehood via an… surprise involuntary military occupation. On this portfolio you will find the proposal and annotated bibliography for the paper that was previously mentioned