Ten New Paltz students stepped up to moderate this year’s Symposium sessions!
The entire E-board from The Art History Association is participating, including stalwarts Jocelyn (President), and Liv (Events Coordinator), plus new members, Ben (Social Media), Anna (Secretary) and Sara (Treasurer), and Ella Rose (Council of Organizations Representative).
Four students new to the Symposium are pitching in with moderating duties – some are denizens of our Art History Study Room, so we snagged them! We are excited to welcome Nicolette, Bridget, Em, and Jeffery!
See you all soon!
No matter what: make sure you have a hard copy of your notes and/or paper when you present. Prof. Heuer also recommends using a tablet (iPad works, but phones are usually too small) with a word document from which you can access text notes or to read from while you are presenting. Then you can scroll through your remarks without rustling papers. This tablet does not need to be connected to the internet or the Zoom session either.
The third and final Test Session is Tuesday, April 9, at 6pm. Register with the link:
During the Test Session, Prof. Heuer communicates a lot of info useful for you!
We want to make participating in the Symposium as simple as possible. Student-Scholars who use Macbooks to present their papers on Zoom usually must change settings on their computers in order share their screen when they are presenting during their session.
To make sure you are all set, attend one of the Zoom Test Sessions (see email from Professor Heuer for Zoom links) and refer to the instructions on Zoom support at the following URL: https://support.zoom.com/hc/en/article?id=zm_kb&sysparm_article=KB0064868. This way you’ll be ready to go when it is your turn to give your paper!
We are thrilled that the editors-in-chief of the Concordia University Journal of Art History, the Smith College Undergraduate Art History Journal, and the Undergraduate Journal of Art History and Visual Culture of the University of British Columbia have agreed to join us for a lively discussion about how you can become a published author!
Register for the Publishing Workshop, Session 12, here! Session 12 is on Sunday, April 14, from 11:00AM-12:00PM.
Anna Keath Smith (James Madison University) has changed the title of their paper to be given during Session 6B on Friday, April 12, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
Anna Keath’s new title is, “Human Subjects in the Paintings of Rosa Bonheur”
I’m trying something new this year. I made a simple Canva template you might want to use to advertise your Symposium paper on social media. Be sure to copy and paste Zoom registration link for the Session when you are presenting into your social media post!
The link below (sorry it is so long!) should open this template for you in Canva (canva.com). If you don’t have a Canva account, I know there is a free version
that you can use without setting up a free trial (Don’t do the free trial! You might forget and get charged.)
Using this simple template upload and add your picture, add your name, your institution, your paper title, your Session, and the Day, Date, and Session time (ET). All the colors and fonts used on the Symposium website are included.
We’ve corrected the schedule and updated a few things and have posted the corrected PDF schedule.
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