2025 Call for Abstracts!

Deadline, January 31, 2025

2025 Symposium Call for Abstracts

Deadline January 31, 2025

Undergraduate students are invited to submit abstracts for a 10-minute talk on any art historical topic of their choosing. We welcome research informed by any and all theories and methodologies and encourage interdisciplinary exploration. Submissions may include a version or part of an undergraduate thesis, an exceptional course paper, or independent research.

Please provide a title and abstract of no more than 300 words to Professor Keely Heuer at heuerk@newpaltz.edu.

A bibliography is not necessary. Your submission should also include your name, major, academic year, institutional affiliation, and email.

Students will be notified by the end of February 2025.

Thanks and Congratulations

to all who made the Symposium a huge success

See You Next Year!

Session Videos are on YouTube Now!

Click the image below….

Link to 2024 Symposium YouTube Recordings
Professor Keely Heuer

Professor Keely Heuer
Faculty Organizer and Chair, Department of Art History

A Big Thank You!

As the 2024 SUNY New Paltz Undergraduate Art History Symposium has come to a close, let me express my deep and heartfelt thanks to the many hundreds of people whose collective efforts made this our best and brightest event yet.

We are grateful to the over 150 student-scholars attending colleges and universities across the world for their willingness to share their work with a much broader audience and the effort they made to put together such impressive presentations. The level of your scholarship is truly impressive and demonstrates to me how bright the future is for the field of Art History, in all its aspects. We hope that the Symposium has helped spark new ideas for your own work and future careers, as well as connected you with your talented peers far and wide.

Thanks also go to our enthusiastically supportive faculty mentors who did so much to help their students prepare. It is only with their help that we can spread the word about the Symposium each year, and I know that their encouragement is key to give students the confidence they need to submit their papers. I must also express my appreciation for the many friends and family members of our speakers who attended the Symposium to cheer on their loved ones.

A million thanks are also owed to the team at SUNY New Paltz, whose unfailing assistance is what has allowed us to continue the Symposium’s growth each year. To my wonderful team of moderators, I am so grateful for your excitement, adaptability, and kindness. Without you, the Symposium could never have run as smoothly and happily as it did. And finally, I wish to acknowledge the enormous contribution of Susan DeMaio Smutny, our Visual Resources Librarian, who oversaw all technical aspects of this complex event, from the building of the website to all social media posts, leading to many sleep-deprived nights to ensure the it’s success.

It is a great honor for me to lead the organization of the SUNY New Paltz Undergraduate Art History Symposium, and with our next event in April 2025, I look forward to continuing our mission of providing an international platform for students to share their research in a nurturing environment as well as offer unique opportunities to them for professional development. We hope you will join us again!

Keely Heuer
Chair, Department of Art History
SUNY New Paltz

Mission Statement

We seek to provide an inviting, nurturing, and inclusive space for undergraduates to give their first professional talks as well as to increase student self-confidence.

Symposium Blog Page


The SUNY New Paltz Undergraduate Art History Symposium began as the brainstorm of two students serving as the co-presidents of the College’s Art History Association in the fall of 2018. Within a few short years, it has grown into a multi-day virtual event this spring featuring the work of a hundred talented students from institutions across the globe. We look forward to developing it further into a premiere outlet for undergraduates interested in art history and its related fields to share their research, broaden their intellectual horizons, and network with one another.

SUNY New Paltz Department of Art History

The Department of Art History is dedicated to the teaching of undergraduates. Small class sizes, usually comprised of fifteen to thirty-five students, allow for individual attention and close interaction with faculty and other students. All courses count toward the liberal arts requirement.

The breadth of courses offered, ranging from prehistoric times to the present and covering nearly all areas of the world, is rarely found at four-year colleges. Since 1964, the State University of New York at New Paltz has offered a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History with a wide variety of courses in the history of painting, sculpture, architecture, graphic and decorative arts, design, and photography. A minor concentration in Art History is available, as is an Art History major concentration within the Early Childhood & Childhood Education curriculum.

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