This is a storyline game involving choice between two alternate utopias: one being more natural and realistic and one being more fantastical and otherworldly. Both are a more vivid alternatives from the present-day dystopia that is introduced in the beginning of the game.

Instructions: Listen to the characters as they progress through the story. Click on the butterfly or the creature to choose what utopia to visit first. Then, click on the ballerina to return back to the screen to choose the other utopia. When both utopias have been explored, take the portal in the top left corner to go back to the main character’s room.

I think we all enjoyed seeing this game come together, and it was particularly fun combining all of our colorful artwork together. Megan extensively photoshopped as well as combined works together, Malka provided us with the code from her previous Scratch game and remixed the coding to work for our new sprites and backgrounds, and I remixed the code to edit positioning of characters, effects, timing, and conversations.

This was very difficult to do online as it is much harder to share ideas and essentially collaborate together, especially since Scratch is not group-project friendly. It was also incredibly time consuming, as one little change in timing affects everything else; readjustments are literally never ending. On top of that, because it was a story line and thus sort of like a chain of events, in order to check if the changes I made in each scene were sufficient and flowed ok I had to restart the entire story and its dialogue. It literally took me an entire day just to finish it (working from 11:30am straight to 7:00pm). I think the only way I made it through it was to take videos and as I did so comment on the changes I needed to make. This helped me remember and visually see where problems were, which bridged the gap between the actual code and the product it was creating. Regardless, I’m still very pleased with the end result, both conceptually and aesthetically. I think we pulled through well and made it come together nicely.