I chose this chapter for more ideas to incorporate into my final project, especially anything LED or paper circuit related.
This related to my prior experience and knowledge of art and art education in that a lot of these projects built on traditional mediums and materials of art classes. Fore example, the use of a desktop CNC machine to carve a linoleum stamp is a way to incorporate technology into already familiar art experiences. All of these projects also have a continuous theme of how some freedom for students to just explore and experiment can lead to a lot of different unexpected outcomes and discoveries and I think this is a universal experience in art and art education. This chapter also relates to my previous experience in that it utilizes creative problem solving, prototyping, iterating when things go wrong, as well as understanding/learning through making. Connecting projects and activities to real life needs and societal problems to make it personally meaningful to and motivate students is also exemplified in this chapter, and directly relates to my knowledge of art education.
I will 100% definitely Button Making activity to my future classroom. I made buttons in 8th grade in my technology class and I absolutely loved it, ending up getting in trouble because I was 20 minutes late to math class after losing track of time making buttons. I can’t wait to have students make their own buttons/pins and my requirement will be that they make a certain number using their own artwork and it can also be required that they create some related to topics of social justice issues that they want to advocate about. The activity of making and painting chairs based on drawings related to emotions was also something really fun and challenging that I’d like to potentially share with younger students in the art classroom. In terms of ideas for my final project, the paper electronics section had some interesting components. I would like to look more into the function of 3D printed diffusers. In my final project, I’d like to potentially incorporate the paper switch sampler template discussed on page 132.
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