Thinking through Drawing board member, Emily Sheehan, will discuss the drawing processes and reasoning used in her work and then lead a material focused participatory workshop.

From Emily:

The process of perceptual drawing has always fascinated me.  Drawing from observation demonstrates how slippery and shifting my viewpoint is, and exposes the parameters of experience that are created by my body.  The way I understand the appearance of anything (everything) is tethered to my literal point of view. A thousand tiny changes affect what I see. It turns observational drawing from an objective transfer, to a creative endeavor that involves artistic choices based on my experience of the subject.

I find that the time spent drawing from observation holds me in the human space between encounter and recounting longer and thus provides a conducive context for contemplating lived experience. In this workshop I will share insights and methods that I have discovered and used in my personal drawing practice and demonstrate a variety of unconventional drawing processes that I have used in my work.


Workshop participants will have the opportunity to experiment with the following drawing techniques:

  • Drawing with obstructed vision.
  • Graphite monotypes and dry-point graphite etchings
  • Drawing with quickset concrete
  • Metal point drawing
  • Drawing on a surface that can be sanded – Priming paper with plastic wood filler
  • Graphite printing using transparent tint-base
  • Destabilizing ink-lines with colorless blender fluid



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