Two Weeks and Counting

2-weeks-to-goThe countdown has begun! We are two weeks away from the first SUNY Smart Schools Summit. Eighteen local school districts have signed up teams of participants, and the day promises to be packed with information, breakout sessions, and plenty of opportunities to share and learn.

Here are some details:

  • Location: We’ll be starting out our day in the 1907 Room in Old Main (on the basement level, toward the north end of the building). Breakout rooms will be one floor up and signs will be posted. Here’s a map of campus.
  • Parking: You will be provided with a parking pass via email that you’ll print out beforehand and display on your dashboard. More information on parking at SUNY New Paltz can be found here.
  • Tech Smackdown!: if you’re doing something neat in your school district, plan to share a quick snapshot with participants during the Tech Smackdown! (access to a computer and projector will be available; no extensive preparation is necessary). Here’s how Edcamp describes a Smackdown: It’s a fast-paced opportunity for sharing. People volunteer to share a tech tool, teaching tip, book recommendation, or anything else they’d like to share with the group about dynamic teaching and learning. You come to the front of the room, give a quick 1-2 minute pitch, share any pertinent information (URL’s, titles, etc), and then it is added to a shared document that you can reference later. You’ll leave with a ton of information and great tips!
  • Twitter: Twitter updates will be available at @nysmartschools
  • Facebook: Join the Facebook event here

Any news related to the Summit will be posted under the Announcements tab on the website, as well as on Twitter and Facebook. Please use the ‘subscribe’ button in the sidebar at the right if you’d like to receive announcements via email.

More information coming soon!


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