Adult Learning [Learning Session B]
Jill Berkowicz is a former public school curriculum leader who presently teaches as an Adjunct Professor in Educational Leadership at SUNY New Paltz. She has been trained in the observation and evaluation of teachers and principals by the New York State Education Department and in the evaluation of principals by Learner-Centered Initiatives. Jill consults forĀ Learner-Centered Initiatives in the use of their evaluation tool, the Multi-Dimensional Principal Performance Rubric (MPPR). She, along with her co-author Ann Myers wrote The STEM Shift, a book about 21st century teaching and learning. Together they also blog on leadership issues for Education Week at Leadership360. Jill serves on the Board of Directors of the New York Association for Supervision of Curriculum Development (NYSASCD) and as the editor of their newsletter and their IMPACT Journal.