JFT 314A
600 Hawk Drive
New Paltz, New York 12561-2440
Phone: (1845) 257 3542
Fax: (1845) 257 2735
E-Mail Address: roperl@newpaltz.edu
Twitter: @RoperLou
Office Hours Fall 2021
My office hours in the Fall 2021 term (‘normal service’ restored!) are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2-4 pm. If those don’t work for you, please e-mail me to negotiate an appointment
Teaching Schedule Fall 2021
HIS221 US History to 1865 TWF 11.00-12.10
HIS308 Indians of New York State TF 12.30-1.45
HIS470/593 Age of Discovery, 1415-1780 R 5.00-7.40