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This is a decorative photograph of blooming flowers and the SUNY New Paltz Logo. It was taken outside and is very attractive.

SUNY New Paltz Entrance



Student Name

Prof. Rachel Rigolino



Title of Research Proposal

                           SUNY New Paltz’s Next Steps for Faculty Hiring

 Introduction to Research Topic

Write two paragraphs in which you identify your research topic. Explain why you chose this topic: Are you taking a course of study that is related to your topic? Are you personally affected by the issue? Do you have some experience with the issue that attracted you to the topic? Also, why is this issue or problem important to address at this time? Explain.

Leading Research Question and Related Questions

List your leading research question as well as at least two additional, related questions.

Leading Research Question(s):

Ex. Why is it important for SUNY New Paltz to hire more faculty of color?

Related Questions:

Ex. How many faculty of color currently teach at SUNY New Paltz? In which departments do they work?

Ex. How does brining more faculty of color to a predominately white institution (PWI) benefit students?

Current Knowledge

Write a paragraph in which you explain what you already know about the topic. Consider your personal experience, but also consider what you have learned from peers, family or in the media.

Interview Subject(s)

For this project, you are required to include an interview (primary source). This interview can be with a SUNY New Paltz staff or faculty member; a SUNY New Paltz student (who is willing to be cited); or another expert on the topic you are writing about. List the name of at least one person who has agreed to be interviewed and describe why you selected that person.

Preliminary Internet Sources

Identify at least two reliable Internet sources on your topic and create a hyperlink to that source. Describe what each source is—a news article? An entry  on Wikipedia? A video? Then, identify the author of the source, if that information is listed, and the website on which you found the information.

Ex. Source 1: Page from SUNY New Paltz Website

This page is on the SUNY New Paltz website in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion area. As you scroll down, you can read about SUNY New Paltz’s    “commitment to become an anti-racist campus.” Towards the middle of the page,             there is section entitled “Continue to Diversify Faculty, Staff and Students,” which    provides information about recent hires who are BIPOC.
