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Designing something for four to seven year olds is very different from designing something for thirty to forty year olds, and this project happened to target both.  I had to get across that this puppet show is for kids, but I had to do that by communicating with their parents.  When I first went to my sketchbook these are the ideas that came to mind:

photo 1-6 photo 2-6

These ideas might have been interesting, but I also had to consider that the characters were not wanted blatantly on the poster; I didn’t want to explain the plot in a picture, so I had to consider my options again.  How else could I get “sewer” without drawing a cityscape and tunnels underneath?  I decided to show the end of the sewer, where the sewage comes pouring out, but I chose not to make it look as grimy as it might be in real life.  I stuck with colors that you could even possibly see in a waterfall, colors that are fun, bright, and appealing to little kids.

Eventually I came up with about ten versions that you can view by clicking the image below.  After making these variations, I continued to get critique and refine, refine, refine, until I got to the final poster that is presented at the top.

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About Me:  My name is Rachel Stern and I’m currently a BFA in the Graphic Design program, as well as a Communications minor.  I’m a sophomore, and on campus I’m involved in Design Society as the Secretary, Domino Effect Flag Team as the Vice President, and I am also a member of the Student Association for Social Service (SASS).