Course Description
Senior Studios I and II provide a framework for BFA students to successfully develop and realize a conceptually, technically and visually strong thesis project and thesis paper. Part of the final thesis project is expected to be exhibited at the Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art or a similar venue. We will discuss project development, research strategies, image production, sequencing, and selection, image/print fine-tuning for final output, exhibition preparation, and life after school.
To be admitted to Senior Studio I you must submit a proposal for a thesis project. The project is entirely of your choosing, but you may want to consider the following:
- What interested you the most in your past work (ie. what medium, way of working, subject matter, ideas?)
- What are your areas of greatest strength and ability?
- What directions in contemporary art interest you the most?
- Consultation with the faculty is encouraged.
The proposal must include:
- A 200 + word statement discussing your theme, its place in contemporary photography, and your previous involvement with similar work.
- Proof sheets of related images of your work and images with captions which have influenced you.
- List possible courses relevant to your thesis subject (we strongly encourage you to co-register for a class which will inform your thesis).
Please submit to this OneDrive folder.
Upon acceptance of your proposal, you will have permission to take Senior Studio I.
We look forward to seeing what you propose.