Spring 2025
- Wednesday 1/22, 11am -12:30pm: MFA/BFA Welcome Meeting, OLB 107C
- Tuesday 1/28 6:30pm OL107C Movie night! Bring snacks. We’ll be watching Pecker.
- Monday 2/3, 70pm via Zoom: The Dandy Viktorian: Yinka Shonibare, Disability, and Passing, lecture by Dr,. Elizabeth Howie
- Friday 2/7 9AM, visting artist Morrison Gong, OL 107C.
- Wednesday 2/26, 12:30 – 3pm, BFA/MFA Crit #1 (2nd year MFAs and graduating seniors present, start in 107C)
- March 5-9, SPE Conference in Reno, NV
- Wednesday 3/12, 11am, Photography BFA Info Session for those interested in joining the program, come with questions!
- Wednesday 3/26, 12:30 – 3pm: BFA/MFA Crit #2 (1st year MFAs and Senior Studio I seniors present, start in 107C)
- Wednesday 3/26, 5pm: Oscar Moreno Escarraga artist talk, location TBD
- Friday 3/28, 9:30am – approx 7pm: NYC Field Trip
- Frday 3/28, 5pm: Photography BFA applications due, info here.
- Friday 3/28, 12 noon: Senior Studio I Application Deadline
- 3/31-3/4 ART AID, meet with your advisor, independent work time.
- Wednesday 4/16, 12:30 Christine Huhn presentation (Preservation Photographer)
- Wednesday 5/7, 12:30 – 3pm: MFA/BFA Crit #3 (all remaining BFAs present, 107C)