To protect the health of everyone in this building, students are required to do the following: complete the daily health screening from a phone or computer each morning; wear a mask or face covering over their nose and mouth before entering the building; and stay 6 feet apart from everyone else in the hallway and the classroom. Everyone in the Old Library must wear a mask at all times. If you arrive and you have not completed the daily screening, you will be asked to complete it outside of the room. If you arrive without a mask or face covering, you will be required to return to your residence to get one, or go to a designated location on campus to get a mask or face covering. There are no exemptions or waivers of this policy. If you refuse to wear a mask or face covering, you will not be able to enter the building and use the facilities. Refusal to wear a mask or face covering will be reported to the Student Conduct Office based on Student Conduct Code’s ‘Non-Compliance with Official Requests’ (which includes public health policy.) Remember that the theme of the semester is ‘We, not Me.’ If we each do our part to care about the college community of which we are a part, we will have a productive experience.

Health and Safety in the Old Library for Fall 2020