Anyone enrolled in a Photo or Design course is allowed to stay afterhours in a studio or lab that they have been trained to use and know how to properly close. 

Staying afterhours in the computer labs is facilitated by card access. All doors should remain closed at all times during afterhours. Students must be done working and out of the labs by 2AM. Please shut off all lights and be sure the door is closed behind you. 

For any lab requiring equipment (darkroom, film room, lighting studio) an afterhours form should be completed with the lab assistant at least a half hour before closing time. You will receive a copy of this sheet which you will leave with your equipment in the lab you’re using so the lab assistant can collect the items in the morning. 

For the lighting studio and the crit room (106) you can slide the key through the slot in the cage door after you’ve locked up. If you’re in the studio, please leave all signed out equipment in a neat pile on the floor when you’re done. 

For the darkroom and film room you are required to clean them thoroughly and shut off the lights and ventilation when you’re done. The steps are as follows: 

  1. Check for any open paper boxes and then turn on the white lights 
  2. Wearing gloves, pour the developer and stop bath down the drain 
  3. Pour the used fixer into the blue bucket which is located under the sink in the darkroom and pour it into the yellow used fixer jug in the film room 
  4. Rinse all trays, tongs, and the sink with water and leave the trays upside down to dry. Please tongs in the tray beside the sink 
  5. Leave all signed out equipment on the center island in the darkroom, or counter in the film room 
  6. Turn off the ventilation and listen to make sure all water faucets are off 
  7. Turn off white lights and lock the door. Ensure that both the film room and darkroom doors are locked and lights are out 

If you’re only using the film room you should still turn off the ventilation in the darkroom because that switch controls both rooms.