Phillies Bridge Farm Project in New Paltz is in need of apprentices for this Spring/Summer season.

There is a seasonal apprentice (work with seeding, greenhouse, garden/farm work) and education apprentice (work with kids, plants, farmwork and goats and chickens) position and what students will learn encompass these fields:




Geology – how ecosystems work
Biology – Biodiversity, soil science, conservation
Agriculture – sustainable, organic agiculture practices
Entomology – bugs everywhere! I started a bug collection that we use in camp
Education – Children ages 4 – 12 come to camp on the farm
Leadership – Leading workshops, field trips around the farm
Food Justice – Phillies Bridge commits 100 shares to food insecure households and we host events where those families visit the farm!
Animal Husbandry – We care for goats and chickens and use them for education at camp


For additional information, qualifications, and application method, click the links below.
2017 Seasonal instructor position description