Emily Kunzweiler

Saturdays of Service Mentor 2016/2017

Communication Disorders/Senior
Warwick, NY
Most recent Saturdays of Service site
The volunteer site I planned is called Chiz’s Heart Street and it is located in Kingston, NY.  Chiz’s Heart Street is a nonprofit organization that serves as a home, food pantry, and support system for those in need.  It is a caring and compassionate place for those who have struggled to find a home along their journey.  More than 70 people who have experienced homelessness in the Hudson Valley currently reside there under the leadership of Sharon Mary Chisholm- affectionately known as Chiz. Many of the residents living in the home suffer from mental illness such as schizophrenia, and/or are in recovery from addiction to drugs and alcohol.  They have all been given another chance to feel at home again.  To feel they have a family.  To feel appreciated, and to feel loved.
There’s never a shortage of work to be done at Heart Street.  In the past we have helped in the kitchen (cleaning and cooking), folded laundry, sorted food in the food pantry, cleaning throughout the house as needed, etc.
Why did you join Saturdays of Service?
I joined Saturdays of Service because I love to volunteer, but, deeper than that, because I sought to become more involved on campus and feel a sense of community.  I wanted to form new friendships and felt there was no better way than to become connected with the people I’d volunteer alongside.
What have you taken away from the experience?
Saturdays of Service has been so much more than I thought it was going to be.  Not only did I meet new friends but I learned a lot about myself. I’ve taken part in tasks that I could’ve never imagined doing (never mind enjoying!), have become more educated on topics that I’ve developed a passion for, and have seen and learned so much about the Hudson Valley and the amazing organizations that serve to better our community and those around us.
Why should others apply?
Others should apply for Saturdays of Service because I believe that it gives you the opportunity to put others before yourself all while having an amazing time. I think that everyone takes something different from the program but it’s nothing short of positive. It allows you to meet a great group of students, learn more about the community, and experience personal growth. Saturdays of Service is so much fun.

Saturdays of Service Applications for Fall 2017 will be available in September!