October is almost over, but there are still plenty of spook-tacular volunteer needs at the Center.

BIG NEED: Fall Soiree
Saturday, November 4th
Greeting visitors and donors; serving food; clean-up
Art Opening
Saturday, November 4th
3:30pm – 7:30pm
set-up; greeting visitors; clean-up
Tabling @ LGBTQ Family Carnival
Saturday, November 11th
Sharing information about the Center with LGBTQ families.
Mass Mailing
November 13th-17th

Whenever you’re free!

Calling all collaters, envelop-stuffers, and stamp-lickers! Help us get the word out.
Library Organizing
Starting ASAP
Handy with an Excel spreadsheet? Like leafing through books? Help us create a catalogue of our holdings.
Snowflake Festival
Friday, December 1st
6pm – 10pm
Set-up; greeting visitors; clean-up
NEW! Friendly Visitors
Seeking volunteers interested in visiting and helping home-bound LGBTQ elders.
To find out more or to sign-up for any of these opportunities, contact Farrell Brenner at  f.brenner@lgbtqcenter.org