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Registration will open in September for the annual Make a Difference Day!

Saturday, October 21
8am – 3 pm
(Please arrive between 8 and 8:30.  Check-in ends promptly at 8:45)
Lecture Center 100

The Office of Student Activities and Union Services and the Career Resource Center are working together to organize our 13th Annual Make a Difference Day, the largest national day of doing good!

The goal of Make a Difference Day is to serve those who need to be serviced the most. Therefore, we will assign you to the agency with the greatest need. The day of schedule of events is as follows:

– Check-in and Registration, Lecture Center 100, 8 a.m.
– Opening and Kick-off Remarks, LC 100, 9 a.m.
– Departure for Service Site (transportation is provided for non-walking sites),
– Return back to campus from Service Site, no later than 3 p.m.

To register for Make a Difference Day, please visit no later than Friday, October 6th or once 475 students are registered to participate, whichever is first.. Sign up early! The number of spaces depends on the number of service sites and the program is first-come, first-served!

Sign up individually or with a group. If you are registering as a group, each person must register individually and add the group name. We will keep your group together at the assigned service site!

Free t-shirt and snacks for all participants!

Remember: If you sign up, show up! If your plans change, please give us 48 hours notice so that we may make changes to accommodate service sites.


For further information or questions please contact Erica Wagner, Service Learning Coordinator, at