Please join us for the 8th Annual UlsterCorps Service Summit
Wednesday, April 26th, 2017
The Terrace at SUNY New Paltz
The Summit is free to attend, but pre-registration is required.

UlsterCorps’ Eighth Annual Service Summit will bring together community leaders from the nonprofit, business, higher education and governmental sectors to address Volunteerism Now – positive models to help engage, sustain and grow community today. The program will include a presentation by Sue Books and KT Tobin of their recent Benjamin Center at SUNY New Paltz Discussion Brief on Volunteerism in Ulster County. It will also feature presentations and a panel discussion of successful case studies, new models, and best practices. As always it will feature roundtable discussions giving all attendees an opportunity to participate and network.

* We are also seeking some volunteers to assist with parking and taking notes during the roundtable discussion at the Service Summit.

2 volunteers to hand out parking passes from 8-10am (could be the same individuals who take notes)

10 volunteers to take notes at the roundtables from 10am-noon

To sign up to volunteer at the summit, please go to:

You must also register to attend the summit below

The Summit, which is free to participants, is part of the on-going work of UlsterCorps to deepen the knowledge about volunteerism and to find ways to strengthen a culture of service and collaboration in Ulster County. A locally-sourced, healthy breakfast will be available to participants. Registration is limited to the first 70 respondents. Please register online, or by emailing