206 Writing Journal F231

J.E. 1

Pablo Picasso Guernica, 1937 limitierter Kunstdruck auf Büttenpapier ...

Guernica, Pablo Picasso, 1937, Oil on canvas

In the midst of a civil war in Spain, the Spanish Republican government commissioned Picasso to paint a mural to represent them at the world fair. Picasso accepted, even though he had never explored politics within his art. As the war raged on, Picasso witnessed the horrific coverage of the German bombing of Guernica, issued by Spanish Nationalists, he started to work on the mural. Displayed as the central attraction, people were shocked when they saw Picasso’s work. Expecting to see advances in technology and a celebration of progress, visitors of the fair instead saw mangled bodies, destroyed families, and tortured faces. The neutral and monochromatic color palette utilized emphasizes the true despair of the atrocities. After the fair, the image was put on tour in Scandinavia and Europe, to further spread awareness. As Spanish Nationalists finally took control of Spain, the painting began its long exile from the country and from Nazi influence. Although Picasso never lived to see its return to Spain, as the painting travelled internationally, it grew in both fame and controversy. The painting embodies the zeitgeist as Picasso does not dilute his depiction of war. Although the painting isn’t accurate, it’s an important emotional perspective on the senseless inhumanity of war. Ultimately, the photo allows us to remember that war is not something to be glorified, especially when one’s own citizens are being tortured, as is in civil war.


J.E. 2

Was the Capitol Break-in a Christian Insurrection? | Rob Bowman

January 6, 2021: Pro-Trump insurrectionist kneels before Christian cross moments outside the US Capitol, Win McNamee, Getty


Donald Trump is revered as an almost divine figure by many of his supporters. To some, he may even be equivalent to the Second Coming of Christ. The infamous January 6 insurrection, in which an enraged mob of Trump’s supporters attacked the Capitol Building due to his loss in the 2020 Presidential Election, demonstrates the extent to which his supports will go to support him, and lead him to victory. There was, undeniably, a strong Christian influence present among the insurrectionists. Through crosses, “Jesus is My Savior” flags, and a Christian prayer held in the Senate chamber, the insurgents prominently displayed their Christian motives. This link, between Trump and Christianity, creates the conditions for a “Cult of Personality”, in which supporters transform into radical devotees, willing to defend their own and even attack the “others”. This nearly religious obsession with a human figure leads to an abhorrent willingness to revolt against the greater political system. In this case, our own democracy as a nation was that “system.” What started as a political protest transformed into a spiritual war, in which Trump’s presidency is the sacred goal. To Trump’s Cult” of supporters, his “dethroning” was not only unjust, but also sinful.

Trump himself fuels these delusions, actively exaggerating his own abilities, and encouraging the false belief that he was cheated in the 2020 election. On May 18, 2013, he tweeted “Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, it’s not your fault”. On November 7, 2020, he tweeted “I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!”. These tweets exhibit the conceited, presumptuous attitude of Trump, that his supporters obsess over and use to fuel their devotion.

President Donald Trump - Make America Great Again - Red With White ...

Make America Great Again Hat. Photo: Shutterstock

The “Make America Great Again” hat of Trump’s 2016 campaign insinuates that in some distant past, America was worthy, but is currently in need. This hat exhibits the savior complex that plagues Trump as a political figure. Acting almost as God’s co-pilot, he believes he alone is worthy of bringing back the mythical utopia of America at some unknown point in the past.


J.E. 3


AOC starts off the campaign with an introduction of herself. She shares her humble beginnings, offering the public a glimpse into her personal life. She emphasizes that she is not one of the wealthy, but rather, one of “them”. She aligns herself with the struggling workers she seeks to represent.

She does not appear filtered or posed, but rather is filmed as she goes through her everyday routine. Instead of sitting in front of a camera with glamorous lighting, she is depicted in the process of getting ready, which allows the viewer to humanize her. Ideally, the viewer does not see her as a political powerhouse, but rather, just someone they feel connected to. The blue and yellow color palette of the video is the opposite of ostentatious. The video is filmed in an unassuming color palette with simple transitions in order for the viewer to associate AOC with those unpretentious qualities.

She mentions that she has dealt with the same representation in politics for 20 years, showing an image of Joe Crowley, an older white male. This “name-calling” technique and shifting of blame to her opponent is a common political propaganda technique. She indirectly accredits all of New York’s current issues to him. Having already mentioned her Puerto-Rican roots earlier in the video, she positions herself to be the exact opposite of the representation New York has had. She relies heavily on her identity to establish a connection with the viewers, as she is a younger woman of color, a much more unique demographic in positions of political power.

She paints a clear divide between herself and her opponents, claiming that “this race is about people vs money. We’ve got people, they’ve got money.”

Although the voiceover of the video is quite intense and a dramatic call to action, the visual imagery of the video is very intimate and warm. Her supporters are depicted in various areas of New York, interacting with AOC in everyday, humble settings. Rather than solely showing herself in front of masses, she focuses on sharing the everyday interactions she has with her fellow New Yorkers, proving to the viewer that she really is on their side. She ends the video with a powerful quote of “It’s time for one of us,” further pushing the point that she is truly a “real” New Yorker.

Ultimately, AOC implements techniques of propaganda to leave the viewer feeling a personal connection with her. By emphasizing her identity, struggles in her humble life, and interactions with real New Yorkers, she depicts herself as the ideal candidate for anyone who has not seen themselves represented by a politician before.


J.E. 4


With reference to “Forrest Gump”, Hollywood shapes and distorts our understanding of history, as they often prioritize storytelling over historical accuracy.

Forrest Gump Meets the President John F Kennedy in All American Team – (1994) – Movie Clip HD Scene – YouTube

In “Forrest Gump,” the main character, Forrest, serves in the Vietnam War, and these scenes depict a simplified and sometimes fantastical version of the conflict. The movie portrays Forrest rescuing several soldiers during the battle of Danang. Although the scene is quite heartwarming, it oversimplifies the complexities of the Vietnam War, omitting the moral dilemmas surrounding it. The movie also shows Forrest meeting Presidents Kennedy, which is highly unlikely for an ordinary soldier. This further glorifies the experience of a soldier in the Vietnam War.

Forrest Gump (1994) – ‘Jenny Returns’ scene [1080] – YouTube

Furthermore, the character of Jenny represents several social issues of the era, including her involvement in counterculture and anti-war movements. While the film touches on these topics, it tends to romanticize them and oversimplify the challenges faced by those who lived through these times. Jenny’s portrayal as a troubled character who finds redemption through Forrest’s love paints a negative picture of the anti-war movement.

Ultimately, “Forrest Gump” is an entertaining film, but it should be viewed as a work of fiction rather than a source for understanding history. Many viewers cannot distinguish between fiction and a historical source, and thus, have a distorted view of history, especially regarding complex historical issues.


J.E. 5

Conspiracy theories work by offering alternative explanations for events or situations, accrediting them to secretive and often malevolent groups or organizations. They typically lack credible evidence and may select certain facts to support their claims, while leaving out other information. The main purposes of conspiracy theories are to provide a false sense of understanding to gain control in complex or uncertain situations, offer a scapegoat for societal issues, and sometimes serve political or ideological agendas.

“The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories” – Published on Psychology Today, this article delves into the psychological aspects of why people are drawn to conspiracy theories and how they serve as cognitive coping mechanisms. (Source: Psychology Today)

“The Real Harm in Conspiracy Theories” – This article, published by Scientific American, discusses the societal harm caused by the spread of conspiracy theories, including misinformation, polarization, and potential violence. (Source: Scientific American)

Marjorie Taylor- Greene, despite attempts to distance herself from past conspiracy theories, is infamous for her creation and spreading of harmful conspiracy theories. In 2018, she claimed that the Parkland shooting that killed 17 people was a planned event. In a video from March 2019, Greene follows Parkland survivor David Hogg, harassing him with baseless questions.

Video surfaces of Marjorie Taylor Greene confronting Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg with baseless claims | CNN Politics

Greene’s assertion that the shooting was planned may have stemmed from conspiracy theories that circulated online after the tragedy, but these claims have no basis in fact. The official investigations and the testimonies of survivors, witnesses, and law enforcement personnel support the conclusion that the shooting was not a planned event but rather a horrific act of violence committed by an individual with a history of disturbing behavior.

Greene may promote these conspiracy theories to garner an audience, such as individuals who are distrustful of mainstream media and institutions. By promoting such theories, she can appeal to this segment of her constituency. Additionally, her anti-establishment nature may resonate with certain segments of the population. Lastly, she may hope to generate media attention and further divide the political landscape, in order for her to thrive.

Making baseless claims about a tragic event like the Parkland school shooting causes immense pain and distress to survivors of the shooting and the families of the victims and can cause them to receive hate and threats. Also, promoting conspiracy theories erodes public trust in institutions, including law enforcement, investigative agencies, and the media. It can contribute to a broader atmosphere of mistrust, which is detrimental to the functioning of a democratic society. Greene’s claims detract from constructive political discourse. Instead of discussing real policy solutions or addressing the root causes of gun violence and school shootings, the focus is shifted to unfounded conspiracy theories.


J.E. 6

Pepsi’s 2017 commercial starring Kendal Jenner faced intense backlash for its appropriation and commercialization of activism. In the commercial, she hands a can of Pepsi to a police officer amidst a protest. This ad was released at a time when the Black Lives Matter movement had garnered support, seeking to address serious issues of racial inequality, police brutality, and social injustice. The ad presents these issues as something that can be solved simply with a can of soda.

Kendall Jenner Pepsi commercial - YouTube

Since the ad centers around Kendall Jenner, a celebrity, as the peacemaker who resolves the conflict, it reinforces the problematic cultural value that celebrities and consumerism can serve as a quick fix for deeply engrained societal problems, rather than recognizing the importance of grassroots activism and community involvement.

This image may contain Clothing Apparel Kendall Jenner Gown Evening Dress Robe Fashion Human and Person

Kendall Jenner photograph by Victor Virgile, Getty Images

Kendall, a high-profile model is representative of mainstream beauty standards. Her central role in the ad implies that physical beauty is a prerequisite for success, acceptance, and the ability to mediate in social issues. This portrayal reinforces the harmful cultural value that individuals, especially women, need to conform to specific beauty ideals to be considered valuable or influential. It suggests that those who don’t meet these standards are somehow less capable or important, which is an exclusionary message. This message also disconnects from the large majority of social justice activists who are driven by their commitment to change, not their physical appearance.


J.E. 7


JR’s approach to photography, characterized by large-scale public art installations, is interactive and engaging. By bringing art into public spaces that traditionally lack aesthetic purpose or have been abandoned, JR revitalizes these neglected spaces. Just as the artwork breathes new life into these abandoned places, it also provides an opportunity for the older generation to be seen in a new and meaningful light. The art serves as a visual metaphor for the resilience and enduring beauty of both the spaces and the people, allowing them to be appreciated in a rejuvenated context. This parallel reinforces the message that there is inherent value in preserving the history and stories of both the built environment and the individuals who have lived through the changes and upheavals of the city.


The Wrinkles of the City, Istanbul, Hasan Saltik Eye, Turkey, 2015

Placing a human eye on a structure humanizes the space, reminding viewers that it was once a place of human activity and life. This can elicit empathy and curiosity about the stories of those who were once connected to the building.

Street art like this also interacts with its environment, as the weather, passersby, and time itself can impact the appearance of the work. This interaction can symbolize the transient nature of life and urban spaces. Unlike static prints, this art transcends the boundaries of a page.


J.E. 8

“Schindler’s List” (1993) Analysis

In Oskar Schindler’s address to the 1200 Jewish Brunnlitz Factory Workers and Nazi Guards, the actor communicates non-verbal messages to the audience that the speech is directed to. When he addresses the Nazi soldiers, giving them permission to shoot at the Jewish people if they so choose, he remains completely neutral. Rather than pleading with them to not, he comes off as indifferent. In reality, he of course does not want them to shoot, but if he shows any fear, it will fuel them. Seeing the situation as pointless, the soldiers decide to walk away. Because his tone of voice remained clear and calm, they did not seek to engage. His body language remained composed in order to avoid overt emotion, which could have provoked the soldiers, especially if they sensed vulnerability. Schindler also looks up at the soldiers from a distance, but since he maintains his composure, he subtly subverts the power dynamic. Despite the soldiers holding the physical advantage, Schindler’s calm demeanor and neutral stance conveys a psychological resilience, challenging the soldiers to reconsider their actions.

Schindler acknowledges the victims of the Holocaust, emphasizing the global mourning for those who lost their lives. This demonstrates a sense of shared humanity and recognition of the immense tragedy. Schindler also attributes the survival of the workers to their own resilience and thanks them. This fosters a sense of collective strength and emphasizes the importance of the individuals who helped one another through the tragedy. Schindler’s decision to remain with the workers until the last possible moment is a powerful gesture. It underscores his commitment to them and his understanding of the imminent danger he faces.

Schindler’s admission of his own culpability and guilt aligns with his physical actions of staying with the workers until the last moment. This consistency reinforces the sincerity of his words and actions. This admission may also serve to appeal to the humanity of the Nazi guards, encouraging them to see the workers as individuals rather than disposable entities.

J.E. 9

Addressing the challenges of climate change requires global cooperation and significant efforts from individuals, communities, businesses, and governments. While progress has been made in some areas, there is still much work to be done to mitigate the impacts of climate change and transition to a more sustainable future. For the past 20 years, we have seen the real-world impacts of the climate crisis, yet our actions to reform continue to be slow and inadequate.

In the early 2000’s specifically, the beginnings of these perils began to manifest.

“Melting Away,” Ciril Jazbec, 2018, Photographer documents climate change, Greenland’s Inuits (yahoo.com)

The impacts of climate change are particularly pronounced in Arctic regions, affecting the Inuit people who have inhabited these areas for centuries. The experiences of the Inuit underscore the urgency of global action to address climate change and its disproportionate impacts on vulnerable communities. Despite the destruction of their environment, little action was taken by the world for a more sustainable and equitable future.


Students protesting at Colombus Circle in Manhattan, Chang W. Lee, 2023, The New York Times

Student protests for the climate emerged as a powerful global movement, with young activists taking to the streets to demand urgent action on climate change. Fueled by a sense of urgency and a recognition of the existential threat posed by environmental degradation, students worldwide organized strikes, walkouts, and demonstrations to call on governments and policymakers to prioritize sustainability and adopt ambitious measures to address climate change.

Activist Greta Thunberg, Jhaan Elker, 2019, The Washington Post

Led by figures like Greta Thunberg, these protests emphasized the importance of intergenerational justice, as students assert their right to a livable planet and demand accountability from those in power. The youth-led climate movement amplified the urgency of the climate crisis on the global stage, fostering a sense of solidarity and pushing for tangible policy changes that prioritize the well-being of both current and future generations.

Sacramento Riveras with flames from the Delta Fire, Josh Edelson, 2018, Getty Images

The California wildfires became increasingly devastating, exacerbated by factors such as prolonged drought, high temperatures, and strong winds. These wildfires pose a significant threat to lives, property, and ecosystems, leading to widespread destruction and challenging firefighting efforts. These fires only continued to spread to other states.


Amazon Deforestation, Victor Moriyanna, 2020, The New York Times

Renowned for its unparalleled biodiversity, the Amazon played a crucial role in regulating the global climate by absorbing vast amounts of carbon dioxide. However, the region faced severe threats from deforestation, driven by activities such as logging, agriculture, and cattle ranching, posing significant environmental and ecological challenges and contributed to the loss of this critical natural resource.


J.E. 10

Humor, specifically Gen Z humor, often characterized by its use of memes, sarcasm, and self-deprecating wit, serves as a coping mechanism and a means of addressing taboo topics in the face of crises. In an era marked by various global challenges, including the ongoing pandemic, climate change, and social justice issues, Gen Z has turned to humor as a way to process and navigate the complexities of the world. Memes, in particular, provide a form of shared language that allows young people to find common ground and express their collective experiences, fostering a sense of community amidst uncertainty. Moreover, Gen Z’s humor has played a crucial role in breaking down societal taboos and facilitating conversations about traditionally sensitive topics. Through irreverent and sometimes dark comedic styles, this generation has tackled mental health, social inequalities, and personal struggles, effectively challenging stigmas and fostering openness. By humorously addressing these issues, Gen Z not only copes with the weight of crises but also actively contributes to destigmatizing conversations and leveraging humor as a tool for social commentary and change.

This meme calls out wealthy individuals for their performative climate activism that contradicts their extreme carbon-footprints, arguing that individuals should align their personal behaviors with the environmental values they champion,


This meme humorously points out that while individual efforts like recycling are commendable, the scale of the climate crisis requires systemic changes and collective action beyond personal lifestyle choices. It encourages viewers to recognize the need for broader initiatives, policies, and systemic changes to combat climate change effectively.


This meme depicts a mouse, struggling to choose between “wanting to fight the power” and “the desire to run away and live in a cottage in the woods.” The meme captures the internal struggle many individuals face in finding a balance between activism and self-care. It reflects the complexity of individual choices in navigating the current socio-political landscape, acknowledging the desire for positive change and the need for personal well-being and fulfillment.