Author Archives: brannigj1

Ida Applebroog
Vermeer in Bosnia Visual Post
Vermeer In Bosnia
although I wasn’t really too interested in this reading I did find some of the ideas worth exploring and thinking about both verbally, and visually. The idea the Vermeer created littler pieces of, well, peace was very thought provoking. When presented with what we do as artists, Vermeer made little illusions of hope. When his world was in chaos we depicted beautiful scenes washed in light and blended in enchanted color. I adored what he decided to do in a time where he could have been like the german expessionist and depicted all of the horrors of war. His work reminds me of what the wizard of oz did in the 1900s. It was a little piece of hope, and peace.
Sinterklaas- Photos of the drop off
Sinterklaas photos 1
As I’ve mentioned I have been working on a very large community based project with my students and it finally came to fruition! This weekend was the sinterklaas send off ceremony at “the Strand” in Kingston. The honored animals was an owl and for everyone that knows me, knows how important these birds of prey are to me. My students and I build three large trees with scanned drawings on the inside and owl eyes peering out from the depths of the trees. Our blood, sweat and tears, went into this project. I will post the photos next.
Finished Small Canvas JB
So I decided to look inwards for this last canvas and started to reflect on what’s on my mind. My partner and I have been looking to purchase property and build a house. We have been talking about this for some time and it is finally coming to some fruition. Updates to come. For this work I collaged, used gouache, acrylic, and india ink to create a maze like structure and a ton of layers on top of one another.