Reflective Letter

Billy Willimason


During my early schooling years I continually struggled when it came to properly putting the words that were in my head down onto the page. Anything and everything I put down on paper seemed to be a scrambled mess that you couldn’t really seem to piece together. Prior to entering college I was nervous my less than perfect writing skills would reflect on my grades. When Professor Carpenteiri first said ‘rhetoric’ in class I could not give him a good definition of the word. In our first assignment we were supposed to write an essay that describes our personal “How to” guide. While sitting down trying to figure out how to use this so called ‘rhetoric’ it clicked to me that my sense of humor can be used as a sort of ‘rhetoric’. After writing that first essay and seeing how the way I wrote it would be more attractive to the reader all of it started to click in my head, and from there on I was able to develop my writing skills in a way that makes my papers more lively and easier to read. This course has taught me ways to present writing in a way that will benefit me for years to come after college.