Making Referrals

Making Referrals

On any given day, college students are under a lot of stress. Balancing a heavy workload, busy schedule, social and familial life, maybe a sport or hobby, as well as caring for themselves…students are expected to do it all.

As a tutor, you can provide support for students in the writing process, and also act as an educational mentor. But tutors cannot be everything for their students all the time. For this reason, it is important for tutors to understand the resources the university makes available to all students, and how to refer a student to a different person, department, or organization within the school that can better help them.

Referring SWW Students

For students in the SWW Composition Program, the most likely resource you may use to make referrals is the Center for Student Success, located in the basement of Old Main on the SUNY New Paltz campus and available online. Students can make appointments with Peer Advisors, Subject Tutors for math, science, or language courses, or Peer Writing Consultants (should they need extra writing help outside of the Composition classroom time).

Each of these resources provide specialized support to students who are struggling with writing, General Education, major/minor courses, or just students who need help organizing their schedules and time.

LISTEN to the following podcast from Peer Writing Consultant and Peer Advisor, Faiza Tahsin, as she discusses what services the Center for Student Success offers to students


READ Penny Kelley’s helpful guide on when and how to refer students 

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Campus Resources

You have likely learned about making referrals in your TA training already. Here is quick refresher of some resources SUNY New Paltz provides.


During the SWW Composition courses, tutors and instructors will have contact and open communication about coursework, expectations, and student needs. However, tutors should understand that instructors hold more authority. Should students have questions that a tutor cannot answer, they should first refer the student to the instructor.

For instance, if a student is writing a paper for a Writing and Rhetoric course and wants to change the topic of their paper, a tutor cannot confirm or approve this student’s new topic or allow them to change the topic without consulting with the instructor.

Library (click here for library resources)

Students working on research papers may arrive at your sessions needing to do research. What tutors can do in this situation is show students how to access databases and journals on the SUNY New Paltz Library website, and help them to narrow down their searches. But further questioning on research referring to library resources should be directed to the Sojourner Truth Library’s staff of librarians who are experts on researching and tracking down material to help students write well-supported papers.

Health Center (click here for resources)

Refer students to the Health Center for physical health concerns.

Psychological Counseling Center (click here for pcc resources)

Should students present concerning information about their mental health, tutors must remember that though they should support students, they are not mental health professionals and should refer students to the Psychological Counseling Center.

Disability Resource Center (click here for resources)

Tutors can refer students with disabilities to the Disability Resource Center where access to Assistive Technology Training and Support, Accommodated Testing, and workshops are provided.

Center for Student Success (CSS)

Though tutors in the SWW Composition Program should provide ample support to students in developing their writing skills, some students may express that they are struggling in other courses, need more time to focus on their writing, or cannot sort out their schedules. In these cases, tutors can refer students to the Center for Student Success where subject tutors for courses like Physics, Calc, Algebra, Spanish, etc are offered.

The Center for Student Success also includes a Writers’ Studio where students can make 30 minute appointments to meet with a Peer Writing Consultant. The CSS additionally provides access to Peer Advisors, or other students who can help students sort out their academic schedules, provide time management tips, and help students with organizational skills.

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