1. Under the Classwork tab, create assignments, and questions by clicking on the Create button.
    Google Classroom, The Classwork Tab on a Google Class, circled with the + Create button located on the top left, circled
  2. This will give you 5 options to create: Assignment, Quiz Assignment, Question, Material, Reuse Post, and Topic.
    + Create button sub tab with the options Assignment, Quiz Assignment, Question, Material, Reuse Post, and Topic, circled
  3. The first one is Assignment, this screen will appear when you select to post an assignment. Title your assignment and write instructions as needed. Pick the due date and add any files or videos. You can also select the arrow in the bottom right corner to either post it immediately, schedule a time for it to post, or save it as a draft.
    Assignment Small Window, Input options are Title, Instructions, Points, Due date, and Topic.
  4. The second option is Quiz Assignment. Like the Assignment option, you can add points, due date, and topic. The Quiz is a Google Form that you created before-hand. Select Grade Importing to have grades automatically limits each form to 1 response per user, collects email addresses and restricts responses to users in your domain. Again, select the arrow in the bottom right corner to either post it immediately, schedule a time for it to post, or save it as a draft.
    Quiz Assignment Small Window, Input options are Title, Instructions, Points, Due Date, Topic, Blank Form, Grade importing
  5. The third option is Question. Write a question and instructions as needed. Like the Assignment option, you can add points, a due date, and a topic. You can dictate how they answer, either a short answer or multiple choice question is possible. Again,  select the arrow in the bottom right corner to either post it immediately, schedule a time for it to post, or save it as a draft.
    Question Small Window, Input options are Question, Instructions, Points, Due date, Topic, type of answers, Students can reply to each other and Students can edit questions
  6. The fourth option is Material. This is where you can add material for your class to have access to. Name it, add a description and upload the files or links you want to add. When you’re done click on Post.
    Material Small Window, Input options are Title, Description, and Topic
  7. The fifth option is Reuse post, this allows you to repost a previous post from any of your other classes. It will first ask what class you want to repost from. We will select our Bio 2 class.
    Reuse Post Small Window, Select Class, with a list of all of the classes you are a teacher of
  8. Next, we will see all the posts we’ve ever created for this classroom. Just select which one you would like to reuse then click on the reuse button on the bottom right.
    Select post from Biology 2, post What is the Powerhouse of the cell? selected, circled. Reuse button on the bottom right is circled
  9. It will redirect you to the post so you can make any changes you need to. When you’re satisfied click on Post.
    Reused Question Small Window, Same as regular question window with option inputs already filled in including, Question, Instruction, Points, Due date, Topic, Answer type with answers written for multiple choice and students can see class summary
  10. The last option is Topic. This allows you to categorize all your post.  Once you click Topic it will ask you to name it. When you are done click on Add.
    Topic Small Window, Input options are Topics with the words Reposts written in as the title, Cancel and Add are options at the bottom
  11. It will now be listed on the Classwork page where you can see anything that you categorized under that topic.
    Google Classroom, The Classwork Tab on a Google Class, New topic added on this page called Reposts