Policies and Procedures

Dear Media Production and Journalism Students: 

All equipment signed out must be returned by 12:00 PM on the third academic day.  

Whoever signs out department equipment is responsible for its return, and ought to be the one returning it.  

If equipment is not returned on time, the student and the student’s professor will be emailed about the lateness. 

After reasonable attempts to recover late equipment have failed, the student’s borrowing privileges will be suspended commensurate with the lateness. 

If even after the suspension, the student fails to return overdue equipment, an Academic Hold will be placed on the student’s account.  

An Academic Hold means the student cannot register for classes and will not receive their grades until the hold is released. 

There is also a late fee system in place. The late fee is $2 per day per item until the equipment is returned. Lost/Damaged equipment may result in up to $800 in fines. The late fee system is a hold on your academic account. 

Use of media production equipment is restricted to Media Production students and is limited to class projects; do not borrow department equipment for personal endeavors unless cleared by a Media Production faculty member.  

Signing out of department equipment is restricted to Media Production students and limited to the course they are enrolled in.  

Media Production students: Do not borrow department equipment with the intent of non-Media Production majors “lending” the equipment from you.  

Ottaway equipment is available for all Journalism students to use for their class assignments.  

Digital Storytelling students can sign out the Zoom H1 handy recorder and the Ottaway dSLRs, but only for their class assignments.  

All Journalism students may borrow specific Ottaway equipment relating to the course. 

Students are not permitted to have guests in the editing suites. There have been cases where “guests” have stolen department equipment. Students will be held liable in such cases.  

Do not prop editing suite doors open; these must always remain locked as these are areas monitored by both Card Access and University Police. 


Eating and drinking is prohibited in both the editing suites and classrooms. Ask yourself this while you are eating and touching the keyboard: did the previous user have a cold? 

Do not clean camera lenses with Windex and a paper towel. Use a clean Microfiber cloth. 

If equipment is broken, lost, or stolen, please report the problem as soon as possible.