Friday 4/29

The Terrace, State University of New York (SUNY) at New Paltz

Opening Welcome 12noon

Panel Discussion (co-sponsored by the Teaching and Learning Center) 12:30pm
Building Bridges with Social Networking: From Classroom to Virtual Community
Panelists include:
Cyrus Mulready (Associate Professor of English)
Amy Papaelias (Assistant Professor of Graphic Design)
Kiersten Greene (Assistant Professor of Literacy)
Justin Pfefferle (Assistant Professor of English)
Melissa Y. Rock (Assistant Professor of Geography and Asian Studies)
Annie Swafford (Assistant Professor of English and Digital Humanities)

Data Visualization for the Curious Ones Workshop 2-4pm
Presented by Joshua Korenblat (Assistant Professor of Graphic Design at SUNY New Paltz, founding Art Director of Graphicacy)

This workshop celebrates spring and summer data. Every visualization we make needs to begin with a question and end with the goal of inspiring curiosity in our reader. We’ll look at bicycles, birds, the Summer Olympics, flowers blooming, and baby names.

Our tools are free, easy to learn, and powerful, but we often don’t know how to use them to tell stories, so we’ll talk about storytelling with data too.
Tools: Carto.db (online); Overpass Turbo + Open Street Maps (online); Google Sheets and Fusion Tables (online); Tableau

Lightning Talks 4-5pm
The lightning talks are a great (and quick!) way for people to share how they bring digital technology into their teaching/research and to find collaborators. Each presentation will be just four (4) minutes long. Come, pay attention, be inspired, have fun!

Opening Keynote 5:30pm
Quantifying Kissinger: Understanding Foreign Policy in Time and Space
by Micki Kaufman, doctoral student in US History at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY GC) and Director of Information Systems at the Modern Language Association (MLA)

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