Digital Humanities Project: Five Keys to success

1. Good Layout: It should be very easy to manage as a user and very simple as well. Not a lot of deotores away from the main home page where the viewer will end up just being lost. It should be very easy to navigate.

2. Straight Forward: Information should be very straight forward. People aren’t looking for a bunch of information thats only slightly relevant. This wont help them, just keep them waiting for what they want.

3. Easy to Search: There should be search bar nice and big at the top of the page. This way if the user knows what they want, they can find it within seconds instead of having to search around.

4. Concentrated: This project should be concentrated with a lot of information on the same topic. Instead of little bits of information here and there on a bunch of different topics, there should be loads of information on one single topic.

5. Cited: It needs to be cited so that its not plagiarism and the viewer could go to these sites as well as yours for other information.



1. What makes a good Digital Humanities project are all the things listed above. These are the main components of any DH project. The information should be interesting to the reader so it keeps their attention. It should also be solid information as well so that they can maybe tell a friend about it and say that it was a really good site to look at. They may end up coming back to it again for future reference. All of your information that you are giving out to the people should be easy to follow. It shouldn’t be all over the place or else the viewers attention will keep breaking and they will leave and move on. It needs to be well organized.


2. Digital Humanities lets scholars ask new questions by bringing up new theories and different perspectives. The way technology is improving our ways of researching can bring up many questions about how we are able to do such things as make a map of 1776 London and be bale to make it side by side with present day London. Many questions can be asked by scholars, its all in their opinions on what they find interesting and what more information they would like to find out.