First-Year Internship Program!

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This Spring 2016 semester, our office participated in the First-year Internship Program via the Career and Resource Center. I interviewed about six candidates in the fall, and each one was motivated, articulate, and professional! I was impressed by these young woman.

Fortunately, the lovely Madeleine del CaƱo was assigned to our office for the term. Although she is not an English major, Maddy’s love for language is evident in her study of French. She is personable, creative, intelligent, and authentic. I could not have asked for a better intern!

During the semester, Maddy has helped us purge ten years’ worth of files and reorder current ones; organize and label our Composition Program Resources bookshelf; create fliers for meetings and book fairs; she even helped to coordinate our final text selections for the upcoming Common Summer Reading Program, and helped to develop a list of TED Talks with corresponding articles, which was recently selected for all incoming first-year students to read next academic year. She’s been an integral voice in making meaningful curricular suggestions for new matriculates. She’s also helped us with some major spring cleaning, and she’s been wonderful company to me in the office.

Thank you, Maddy! We will miss you…

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