“Social Justice, Gender Parity, and Inclusive Education Practices”
“Attendance at this event with a contributes to the Anthropology Field Engagement Requirement.” https://sunynp.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/Antropology/EWc1ceDaYmBPgo65ib17DXcB78hgBSsZn90WvVCyWtMnfg?e=EeppdU&CID=da904aa0-4e35-7d1d-83a4-7332a8f1f2f1
Please join the Social Justice Educational Studies Program in partnership with SUNY Dutchess as we welcome Fulbright Postdoctoral scholar Dr. Huma. Dr. Huma will give a talk entitled “Social Justice, Gender Parity, and Inclusive Education Practices” on Wednesday, October 23 at 2:00pm in Old Main B125. Please see the attached flier for further details.

Robyn Stout Sheridan, PhD
Assistant Professor and Co-coordinator Social Justice Educational Studies
Affiliate, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies