Document14 (1)

Anaise Reina  

Ms. Katie  


Composition 1 


Hey sis,  

First of all, hey girl! Miss you butthead. It must be boring at home without me, I know. But let me tell you about where I’m living, like my dorm hall.  

Okay so remember when you came to drop me off in that library looking building… that’s where I live. Its called college hall. I lowkey think that it’s the oldest dorm on campus. This one and shango hall. That one is right next to mine…well around the corner technically. Majority of the people that live in this residence hall are freshman, except for the R.A.s. Those people are usually juniors and seniors. I haven’t seen a sophomore one yet which kind of sucks because I was hoping to become one next year. #nodormtuition.  

I have a roommate. Her name is keily and she’s really cool. In other residence halls, people can have two or three roommates but here in college hall, we only have one. I remember when I first got here, I was here by myself for like two days because of orientation. It was really quiet and I literally didn’t know what I was doing. But then everyone started moving in and they were all so nice and talkative. The girls live on the top floor and the boys live on the bottom. I don’t know why its like that but it is what it is. I just don’t like to be having to walk up them stairs man…  

I didn’t like living here at first because I wanted to live in a suite(that’s a place where 4 people live but they share one bathroom, which is better than sharing with over 20 something girls.) But, its really not that bad. Actually, its not bad at all. “College Hall offers a very close-knit community and it is near the academic buildings.” When I tell you, I can literally get to all my classes in less than 5 minutes, I ain’t even lying. I got a 9:30 class in the mornings. I can wake up at 9,eat, put on clothes, and walk taking my time and still make it to class early. You know I’m anti-social as hell, but the people here are mad nice. There would be like random teachers and people I don’t even know telling me good morning and afternoon. I don’t be wanting to talk to them but its nice being around such kind people. To top it all, it be quiet. You don’t hear no cars honking waking you up. You get to look at th trees and grass around you on your way to class and all the birds and squirrels. Actually I think I saw one that reminded me of you 😊.  



Living on campus can get boring. You’re gonna want to go do different things off campus. Whether it be looking around at different stores, going shopping, getting necessities for the dorm, or just to have fun, you’re gonna want to be close to town. Luckily for me, “College Hall is five minutes away from Main Street New Paltz and is the closest hall to the village.” I literally be walking with keily like every night to McDonalds. They have places on campus to get food, but you know a frappe and fries hit different.  

Not gonna lie, if you end up coming here, I suggest you try to live in college hall. But anyways, that’s all I have to say to you and try to keep the house as funny as I left it. Its an impossible task, I know, but at least try kiddo. 





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